24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (2024)

In this fast-paced digital age, where art meets technology, the landscape of graphic design is constantly evolving, offering a canvas for creativity like never before. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the vibrant world of design, it's an exciting time to be part of this ever-changing industry.

In this Trendbook 2024 series, we'll take you on a visual journey through the biggest graphic design trends of 2024 that are set to rock the creative scene. From innovative techniques to daring color palettes and hints from the past, we'll explore the design elements that are shaping the way we communicate, inspire, and engage in this modern time. So to get you ready for the new year, we’ve gathered out some of the best and boldest graphic design trends in 2024.

Curious about earlier trend reports from us? Check out the trend report from 2022 and 2023.

Graphic Design Trends 2024

Here are 24 graphic design trends to keep on your radar in 2024.

1. Natural materials

Sustainability goes beyond simply selecting eco-friendly materials, it's about infusing designs with a deep connection to nature. This trend's charm lies in its natural aesthetics. Graphic designers increasingly draw inspiration from the world's organic beauty, crafting visuals that resonate with the serenity and authenticity of the great outdoors.

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (1)

Source: My Name is Wendy Studio

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Packaging is evolving towards cleaner, earthy designs emphasizing recycled materials and eco-conscious color palettes. Brands are no longer just packaging products; they're weaving visual narratives that engage conscious consumers. This trend underscores graphic design's potential as a powerful medium for celebrating the environment, showcasing a society that seeks to unite aesthetics and ethics in a harmonious way.

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (6)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (7)

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (8)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (9)

Source (left to right): LHCK, Porto Rocha, S24, Neubau

Over here at Jukebox, we have some lovely natural materials to choose from for your next printing project. Specialty options such as Cotton, Cannabis, 100% Recycled and Kraft are just some of the materials you could consider.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (14)

Need any advice on this? Get in touch with our lovely Support Team, we’d love to help you out.

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2. Bold minimalism

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Minimalism, a timeless and enduring graphic design trend of 2024, will probably never go out of fashion. This "less is more" philosophy has been gaining even more prominence recently. In this approach, every element in the design serves a purpose, stripping away the unnecessary to reveal the essence. Minimalist designs are characterized by clean lines, ample white space, and an uncluttered aesthetic.

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Source: Lorenzo T MB

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (28)

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (38)

This trend not only brings a sense of elegance and simplicity to the forefront but also promotes efficient communication. With a limited color palette and a focus on typography, minimalism allows designers to convey a message with precision. Its adaptability to various mediums, from websites to branding, makes it a versatile choice for design projects. As we journey through 2024, minimalism reminds us that sometimes, in a world filled with noise, a whisper can be far more powerful than a shout.

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (39)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (40)

Source: Jack Forrest, Txaber

3. Pixels

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How to emphasize your brand is modern, innovative, and maybe even a bit futuristic? Maybe not the most innovative way of doing this but the use of pixels is something we’re seeing more and more of nowadays. These tiny, square building blocks of design are taking on a new life and purpose, offering a unique blend of nostalgia and modernity. The art of using pixels is no longer confined to retro video games as it's now a creative choice for web design, animation, illustration, and branding.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (51)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (52)

Source: John Dias, Lea Bissiau

Instead of solely using pixels of a small size as we’re used to, the use of these elements has been scaled up in some projects, resulting in a surprising aesthetic.

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Source: Supernulla

4. Utilitarian design

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Utilitarian design is all about functionality. This design trend has still been gaining popularity this year as we move into an increasingly digital world. With so much of our lives taking place online, it’s important for websites and apps to be easy to use and navigate.

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Source: YuJian Huang

Utilitarian design is focused on simplifying user experience by removing unnecessary elements. This can be achieved through minimalism, clear navigation, and easy-to-understand content.

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Source: Dima Shiryaev, Lowkey Design

Designing something in this style immediately creates a certain solidness and trust in the quality. Elements are recognizable elements and used by vehicles, tools, and manuals. While it’s not comparable with skeuomorphism, it certainly has some similarities as it’s translating the product to another medium by using the same elements.

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Source: By Halo Lab

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5. Fluorized

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (77)

The graphic design trend in 2024 is all about embracing vivid and energetic color palettes, creating a visual feast for the eyes. Whether it's web design, branding, or print materials, designers are infusing their creations with colors that demand attention and create a lasting impact.

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Source: Vinicius Araújo, YuJian Huang

Vibrant colors like fluorescent yellows, blues, oranges, and greens are taking center stage, making designs stand out in a fresh, modern way. The use of striking colors is all the rage now, so in 2024, it's all about letting your designs speak loudly and vividly, using colors to tell powerful visual stories that leave a memorable mark.

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Source: FlowState Branding

6. Doodles

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These hand-drawn, often whimsical, and spontaneous illustrations add a touch of human personality to brands. Doodles infuse designs with a sense of authenticity as if the artist's hand is still at work. From the margins of notebooks to the digital canvas, doodles invite playfulness and creativity into design.

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Source: Grávita

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They can be subtle accents or take center stage, depending on the message and mood. This trend is an echo of the never-ending charm of handcrafted styles in a world dominated by digital precision. Doodles remind us that design doesn't have to be rigid; it can be spontaneous, free-spirited, and highly engaging. As we journey through 2024, be ready to embrace this design trend of the unpretentious and endearing world of doodles and other hand-drawn illustration styles, where every line drawn is a unique stroke of imagination and character.

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Source: Franklyn

7. Modern natural

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This style of design has become even more popular throughout the years. Earthy tones, handmade illustrations, and characteristic typography. Just some of the main elements of the modern natural that bring you closer to nature than most other styles do. It works great for organic products and businesses that care about the planet and conveys a certain honesty about the company.

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Source: Seachange, By Wedge

In an era in which people are becoming more and more aware of global warming and their behaviors regarding consumption and the way they live, it’s more than logical that an aesthetic style like this would become widely used by brands and creatives.

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Source: By Meggies

8. 3D design

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In 2024, the 3D graphic design trend will take the spotlight again, and what makes this design trend particularly noteworthy is the accessibility it now offers, thanks to tools like Adobe Illustrator's "Inflate" feature, which was launched just last year. The thing is, a trend can only be as popular as how many people master that craft. Years ago, creating even a simple 3D element was reserved for experienced 3D designers with professional software.

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Source: Ilovecreatives Studio

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However, Adobe and other innovators have simplified the use of 3D design, making it approachable for a broader audience. From small elements to use in layouts to full-blown 3D masterpieces, this style hasn't come close to reaching its full potential and will continue to evolve and innovate. This graphic design trend of 2024 is still gaining momentum and will become an even bigger part of our day-to-day visual communication.

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Source: By Amir Baqian, By Eslam Mhd

9. Gradients

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (161)

Gradients are making a bold comeback. This graphic design trend is all about seamlessly blending colors from one shade to another, creating mesmerizing transitions that add depth and dimension to designs. Gradients are versatile, lending themselves to a variety of applications, from backgrounds to typography and logos.

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Source: Koto

Gradients are the perfect way to spice up your backgrounds instead of going with a plain background color. The visual of a gradient is so strong and recognizable that it can even be a main element in your brand identity. So, whether it's a subtle fade or a striking color shift, expect to see gradients adding an extra layer of visual intrigue to design projects in the year ahead.

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Source: ARG, Damon Xart

10. Brand illustrations

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This graphic design trend marks a transition from overused, characterless stock photography and stock visuals, and it's a testament to the power of personalized and unique images. Brands are creating bespoke illustrations that not only convey their values and personality but also form a more authentic and relatable connection with their audience. These brand illustrations are versatile and adaptable to various mediums, from websites and social media to packaging and advertising, bringing a sense of consistency to the brand's visual identity.

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Source: By Balsam Studio

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As we’ll probably see even more in 2024, this trend highlights the importance of visual storytelling and individuality in branding, offering a refreshing change from generic visuals and embracing the art of bespoke illustrations to express the heart and soul of a brand.

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Source: Reflex Design

11. Fancy printing

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As the world becomes increasingly digital, there's a renewed appreciation for the tactile and tangible. This trend is all about exploring innovative and traditional printing methods to create designs that engage the senses. From letterpress to the art of foiling and embossing, designers are pushing the boundaries of what's possible on paper. Using special materials such as cotton, kraft, triplex and many more are bringing brands the character they’re looking for and making their prints different from the rest.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (206)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (207)

Source: Vrints-Kolsteren, Dot Studio

These techniques add depth, texture, and an element of craftsmanship to designs, creating a unique and memorable experience for the audience. It's a reminder that, in our digital age, the art of print is far from obsolete. Instead, it's a way to stand out in a world of screens, creating designs that are not just seen but also felt and remembered. As we journey through 2024, expect to see a delightful marriage of cutting-edge technology and timeless craftsmanship in graphic design. You know where to find us for all your printing needs.

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Source: Fundamental Studio

12. Serifs

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See Also
Sofa Trends

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While not technically a visual style on its own, serifed fonts have taken center stage in the graphic design trends of 2023 and will become even bigger in 2024. Mayor brands are still moving away from traditional sans-serif fonts and are looking for a bit more character.

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Source: Tomasz Mazurczak

This shift could be seen as a solid response to all the sans-serifs that became the go-to decision for many brands in the past. It even became a meme of all the brands that “lost” their identity and gave in to the trend that was called the sans-serif.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (231)

Source: Focus Lab

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (232)

Sharp serifs is a style we’ve been seeing a lot last year. Ever since the the Netflix series “Stranger Things” introduced their timeless wordmark, similar uses of fonts like ITC Benguiat are used a lot ever since. The complete opposite of this, the rounded serifs are still quite popular as well. Used by “kind” brands this is a choice that makes a lot of sense. A font we really love is “Gooper”, designed by Kyle Benson.

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Source: StudioPaack

13. Prominent photography

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (240)

Photography is undeniably a crucial element in graphic design, both online and offline, and it plays a pivotal role in conveying a message effectively. Traditionally, this meant relying on stock photos, which often felt flat and lifeless. However, the graphic design trend of 2024 sees a significant shift. More and more designers are embracing their original photography or finding inventive ways to use existing images. This extends beyond just product photos; it includes captivating images of people, nature, and other elements that contribute to telling a compelling story or evoking powerful emotions.

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Source: Balsam Studio, Abdulsamad Umar

The momentum behind this trend is likely to persist in the coming years as businesses strive to set themselves apart from the competition. We can anticipate witnessing even more innovative uses of photography, ranging from 3D images and interactive elements to AR/VR experiences and the inclusion of AI-generated images that seamlessly blend with the brand's identity. In the world of graphic design in 2024, photography becomes not just a visual tool but a dynamic storytelling medium that transcends the ordinary.

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Source: Marko Cvijetic

14. Collage

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In the landscape of graphic design in 2024, this artistic approach seamlessly blends a medley of images, shapes, and textures to craft visually stimulating compositions. Collages, a standout graphic design trend of 2024, evoke a profound sense of creativity and individuality, granting designers the freedom to break free from traditional constraints and express their unique visions. Whether it's a digital mosaic or a handcrafted cut-and-paste masterpiece, collages bring a touch of raw authenticity to designs that can't be achieved with perfectly aligned grids as we typically see.

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Source: Margo Margulis

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These collages are a form of visual storytelling that's both captivating and emotionally evocative. As we navigate through 2024, expect to see designers weaving the rich tapestry of collages into their work, pushing the boundaries of graphic design with a delightful blend of the old and the new. It serves as a reminder that in a digital age, the timeless allure of collage endures, where each piece tells a story, and every design embarks on a captivating visual journey. Utilizing mixed media and arranging it into a collage layout undoubtedly brings a distinct and appealing aesthetic to the forefront of graphic design trends.

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Source: Cristina Moore

15. Playful

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Celebrating creativity and a sense of whimsy, infusing designs with a dose of fun and personality. From vibrant color schemes and unconventional typography to quirky illustrations and interactive elements, playful design adds a touch of delight to the visual experience. It's about breaking the mold, embracing the unexpected, and inviting the audience to engage and explore.

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Source: Sakaria Studio

In an era where visual content competes for attention, playfulness stands out as a way to create memorable and enjoyable designs. This trend encourages designers to push boundaries, think outside the box, and remind us that design is not just about aesthetics but also about the joy of creativity. We’re looking forward to seeing more designs that spark smiles, provoke curiosity, and leave a lasting impression, proving that a little playfulness can go a long way in capturing the hearts of the audience.

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Source: Hola Bosque

16. Retro

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Retro-inspired designs are still one of the hardest-growing trends and we’re all for it. From the rich orange and brown color palettes to the embrace of grainy photography and the infusion of cartoon-inspired characters, the resurgence of vintage design style is a delightful journey through the past and a key graphic design trend in 2024. Many of us are guilty of longing for the "good old days" when it comes to music, fashion, and design. Not only does it remind us of happy times in our life, but there is also a widespread belief that artists and designers poured more heart and soul into their work “back then”. The vintage design style hearkens back to a simpler time when everything was made by hand with an eye for detail.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (300)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (301)

Source: Abby Haddican

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (303)

While the minimalism trend has been around for a few years now, the vintage minimalism sub-trend is gaining some traction. This hybrid approach combines the best of both worlds by stripping away unnecessary elements and leaving only the essentials. The result is a clean, sophisticated, and timeless design. Not just graphic design is part of this trend, we can see retro influences in today's fashion, interior design, architecture, music and so much more. It’s all coming back again and we’re excited to see where this is heading.

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Source: Aleksander Savic

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (308)

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17. Generative art

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This graphic design trend in 2024 is all about embracing the unexpected, as code becomes a creative tool, crafting visuals that are ever-evolving, truly mesmerizing, and utterly surprising. Generative Art can be used to create parts of an identity based on data or completely random, whatever fits that project best. From AI-driven patterns that evolve with every interaction to intricate compositions born from mathematical equations, this trend captures the magic of design in constant motion. It's a celebration of experimentation and creative exploration, revealing the boundless harmony between technology and artistry. Once a certain piece of data that reflects the brand has been used to create visuals, that’s where true magic happens and is definitely a nice thing to share with the world. Tools such as Midjourney, DALL·E, Leonardo, and Adobe Firefly are just starting and will continue to evolve throughout 2024.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (321)

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (322)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (323)

Source: Ran Zheng, Danil Krivoruchko

18. Stickers

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Beyond their tangible form, stickers are also finding their place as design elements, bringing a touch of fun and informality to layouts. This trend takes cues from the world of social media, where stickers have become a means of personal expression and communication. In design, sticker-like elements inject a sense of personality and vibrancy into visual compositions. Whether it's a digital burst of confetti, an emoji, or a hand-drawn star, these "stickers" are making content more relatable and engaging. They add a dash of nostalgia and a sense of community, reminding us of the joy of personalizing and sharing our visual stories.

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Source: Koto

But if you’re looking for actual printed stickers, you’ve come to the right place. Have a look at our wide range of custom stickers and make those physical goods part of your marketing efforts.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (339)

Source: Twelfthman

19. Custom type

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Another graphic design trend of 2024 that keeps on growing is customizing typography. Hand-lettered pieces and customized fonts have long been artistic tools in the designer's arsenal, but what's truly exciting is their newfound popularity among major brands. By tweaking existing letters or crafting fonts from scratch, hand lettering adds a unique touch to your design, infusing it with creativity and personality.

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Source: Anuki Koniashvili

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These elements elevate your branding efforts to new heights, making your design not just aesthetically pleasing but also an emblem of your brand's individuality. So, next time you embark on a typography project, whether it's a type lockup or wordmark, dare to make it one-of-a-kind. While some classic fonts are usually off-limits for any customization, remember that fonts are meant to complement your design, not restrict it. Feel free to give them your creative touch, and watch your design soar to unparalleled heights of character and distinctiveness.

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Source: Jasmina Zornic

20. Motion

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Again, a graphic design trend that’s also a result of software that’s made easier to use every year. Even simple animations that are used as a GIF is considered motion and we’re seeing this more and more. From small animated elements on a website to logo animations and full-blown storytelling using motion graphics. It’s all out there on a large scale.

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Source: Rosa Lee Creative, Alex Gorbunov

Modern software tools have made it possible to create high-quality, moving images that can be used for both indoor and outdoor advertising easier than ever before. Now you can see small billboards at bus stops, outside of a mall, or randomly placed in a city square. Brands don’t need a million-dollar budget anymore to show their brand in motion. And, in doing so, are creating new layers of depth for consumers. Even the use of animated GIFs on social media through Giphy can bring a playful and vibrant vibe to your brand.

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Source: Jeroen Krielaars

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21. Raw

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Styles such as Cyberpunk, Brutalism, and Anti-Design have one thing in common, their rawness and unfinished look. It’s often seen as harsh or even cold, but can also be viewed as strong and powerful. These design styles want to do it completely differently than the “usual suspects”. Breaking all the rules you can think of, such as using a wide range of different fonts and elements, overdone texturing, pixelated imagery, and random grids. But when all these parts of ‘Raw Design” are done in a good way, it can definitely look great. This design trend is definitely a vibe, we can’t deny that.

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Source: Àlex Gobern

Many designers are drawn to its raw aesthetic, which can be used to create unique and memorable designs. It’s quite niche and won’t be liked by everyone, but if you’re looking to make a bold statement with your design, this could be the style for you.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (381)

Source: Filip Legierski

While raw design may not be for everyone, it’s definitely a design trend for 2024 that you’ll be seeing more of.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (383)

Source: Nuthlas Design

22. Expressive typography

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Typography is one of the most important elements of graphic design. While text is primarily used to convey a message, designers are pushing the limits on how far they can go to put some extra character into those letterforms.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (390)

Source: Andrej & Andrej

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Accessible font creation software like Glyphs and open-source editors such as FontForge means anyone can create their own font with ease. Letting designers without years of experience in type design create a font will undoubtedly result in new, unconservative fonts. Whether you’re looking for a font to add some personality to your designs or want to make a statement, there’s sure to be a quirky font that fits the bill. This design trend will only grow larger as more and more designers are introduced to font creation software.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (396)

Source: Mick Bailey

If you're diving into font creation of your own, check out our blog on outlining fonts for print.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (399)

Source: Patkos

23. Maximalism

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This style is all about rejecting the common rules of graphic design that you should keep it simple. While traditional design yells, “less is more,” maximalism believes, “more is more.” With the use of bold color combinations, layered images, prominent typography, and repeating motifs this style definitely grabs your attention. One of the projects that are most referred to when it comes to Maximalism, is the rebranding of The Public Theater by Pentegram’s Paula Scher.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (406)

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Source: Porto Rocha, Embacy

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Whether it's layouts full of typography or filled with different types of elements, Maximalism, a striking graphic design trend in 2024, will undoubtedly turn heads and give a brand the eyeballs it's looking for. Try maximalism in your design by using thick strokes, bright colors, and large patterns. Not to mention, using all the space you have available is something maximalism is all about.

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Source: For the People

24. Patterns

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Similar to gradients, patterns, a captivating graphic design trend in 2024, are a great way to bring character to a design. From intricate geometrics to playful florals, designers are embracing patterns to add depth, character, and a touch of nostalgia to their creations. In today's digital age, patterns connect us to tradition while allowing for endless creative exploration. They offer a canvas for storytelling, from minimalistic elegance to vibrant whimsy.

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Source: Triboro

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More and more designers are starting to make the creation of patterns their main focus by working on commissioned projects or selling them on digital marketplaces. Brands are realizing the power of custom patterns to use on their branded wrapping paper or tissue paper or anything else for that matter. A custom pattern is another asset for a brand to communicate its story to customers.

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24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (432)24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (433)

Source: Renan Vizzotto & Caio Evangelista, Vrints-Kolsteren

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Wrapping up: 2024’s best design trends

There you have it! 24 of the biggest graphic design trends for 2024. Get ahead of the curve and start thinking about how you can incorporate these trends into your own work. You can get back to this guide for visual reference to get inspired, to experiment with new styles or to learn the basics about new design trends. Feel free to share it with your designer friends or clients to get them inspired as well.

Also, keep an eye out for our 2024 Trendbook as we’ll be looking into even more trends to get you ready for next year.

Find more design inspiration on the Jukebox blog.

24 of the Biggest Graphic Design Trends for 2024 (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.