30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (2024)

Did you know that bird baths have multiple uses?

The first use might seem a little obvious considering it is called a bird bath. But I actually use my bird baths as an open feeder for my bees as well. I love that it is being functional for maintaining bees while its true purpose is hidden in plain sight.

So whether you just want to attract new birds to your yard, or if you have another use for a bird bath, then you’ll want to keep on reading.

Because I’m bringing you a variety of DIY bird baths. They will add some character to your property without putting a dent in your wallet.

Here are the DIY bird bath ideas:

1. Candle Plate Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (1)

Modern and sleek, this bird bath looks like it costs a fortune. However, believe it or not, it’s nothing more than a few dowels and an ordinary candle plate.

It’s always fun trying to find new uses for common household items. This is a great example of how you can do just that. You can find candle plates at your local thrift store or order one online from Ikea.


2. The Barnyard Terra Cotta Bird Bath

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There are lots of different designs for a terra cotta DIY bird bath. I will be bringing you a few in this post. This tutorial actually shows you a variety of design ideas and heights.

But what I wanted to share with you was the barnyard design. It is very charming and creative. It would make a great addition to any home and help to make it feel more inviting to your guests and the birds.


3. The Pebble Terra Cotta

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This bird bath is another made my stacked terra cotta pots and the terra cotta plate that usually sits beneath the pot to help catch water.

Well, in this instance the plate goes on top of the upside stacked terra cotta. Plus, they painted the pots and then stuck pebbles all around the base to give it a nice decorative design.


4. The Bright Terra Cotta Bird Bath

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This bird bath is one that is sure to stand out. It is painted so many different colors and has a ton of different designs on it.

But I love it! I think it adds a whimsical feel, and I am a huge fan of that. So if you are looking for something different, then you’ll want to check out this bird bath.


5. The Polka Dot Terra Cot Bird Bath

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I love polka dots. I think that they have a way of making something basic become something adorable in a really simple way.

Also, I love that pretty much anyone can draw circles. So whether you are crafty or not, you have the ability of making something adorable all by yourself.


6. The Hand Print Bird Bath

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I’m a homeschool mom. So any projects I can make and include my kids in them, I’m naturally a big fan of.

So it is no surprise that this bird bath caught my eye. I love how you can make something functional for your property while also making a really fun memory.


7. The Tomato Cage Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (7)

Are you on a super tight budget? Or maybe you just aren’t a big DIY’er? Well, no worries. You can still make this great bird bath.

And I should mention that it is super easy to do. You place a tomato cage in the ground. Then buy a planter saucer and place it in the center of the bird cage. Place some water in it and you are done, my friend.


8. Salvaged Chair Bird Bath

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Do you have an old chair that you can’t use for sitting anymore, but you hate to toss it? I actually have one of those too. I use it as a planter during the spring.

But here is another great use for that type of chair. Place a plant saucer in the middle of it and turn it into a unique bird bath.


9. The Cement Doily

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Do you have an old bird bath that has seen better days? Well, if so, don’t toss it. Instead use this unique doily idea to give it new life.

So all they did was dip the doily in cement and then lay it over the bird bath. It gave the bird bath a unique drapery design.


10. The Chip Platter Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (10)

I love it when people take inexpensive items and create beautiful pieces. This bird bath is one of those cases.

All they did was take an inexpensive chip platter, attach some pvc pipe to the bottom, and then attach to a metal rod so it could be staked to the ground.


11. The Angel Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (11)

When I came across this bird bath design, my heart broke for this woman. She created this masterpiece in memory of her granddaughter that recently passed away.

So she found the angel figurine on sale. Then took items out of her cupboard (such as a pie plate) and turned them into a beautiful bird bath.


12. The Easy Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (12)

This bird bath reminds me of my mother in-law. Honestly, I never thought of making a bird bath until I was speaking with her one day.

And I told her that I needed one for my bees, but I didn’t want to buy one. She went outside and gathered the few items. Then brought them to me and said, “Here’s your bird bath!”


13. The Solid Wood Bird Bath

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This bird bath looks as though it would take some time to create, and you would probably need some amazing wood working skills.

However, if you happened to be skilled in that area then this would be an awesome bird bath to make. I love the design of it.


14. The Alice in Wonderland Bird Bath Planter

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You are probably going to think I’m nuts, but I’ve never been a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland until recently. We have been studying it in school with my kids.

Now, I’m realizing just how creative that story really is. So why would this planter/bird bath be any different? If you want color and design, then you must give this bird bath a glance.


15. The Hanging Bird Bath

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This hanging bird bath looks very easy to make. You basically take an old lamp shade and hang it with chain from a tree or a post.

Then you’ll fill it with water and watch your bird friends have the time of their lives. This should be an inexpensive project as well.


16. The Glass Lid Hanging Bird Bath

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If you ever go to a local thrift store you might be surprised to find how many glass lids are for sale there. I’m hoping it isn’t just like that at every thrift store I’ve visited.

So the next time you see one of these lonesome lids that are for sale with no matching dish, buy it. Then you can put it to good use making this hanging bird bath.


17. The Tree Stump Bird Bath

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Do you have an old tree stump that you don’t really want to pay someone to come grind it? Yet, you don’t really like the idea of a tree stump sitting in your yard?

Well, then be inspired by this bird bath idea. They use a planter saucer and sit it on top of the tree stump. Then they place rocks inside of it for it to be a bird bath. Now, your stump has a purpose.


18. The Super Simple Terra Cotta Bird Bath

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This DIY bird bath tutorial is one of my favorites. The reason is that they show pictures for each step.

Plus, the project is pretty easy so it is fun to do and easy to figure out. You can also design it in many different ways. I do love the paint and jewels though. It would be a nice touch to most yards.


19. The Lamp Bird Bath

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I love this lamp DIY bird bath. It is so unique and actually very pretty. Not to mention, you can find most of these items at a thrift store for very little money.

Also, let’s not overlook the fact that they used a bunt pan in place of the basic round dish. I’m not sure how functional it is, but it is cute as can be.


20. The Heated Bird Bath

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Okay, so I had to slide this one in on you guys. This is not a DIY project. In fact, I’m pretty sure you have to purchase the actual heated element.

But you could choose a different DIY option for the bottom. Then your bird friends could have warm water all year long.


21. The Handprint Bird Bath

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I am planning on making this bird bath for my own home this upcoming spring. I love how the paint just runs down the side of the terra cotta. It is a neat design.

But what I love most are the little handprints with the year. I’ve mentioned I have three children, but have I mentioned that one is getting ready to head to college next year?!? I love these sentimental pieces because they are something to look back on while also being functional for your property.


22. The Flower Pot Bird Bath

30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (22)

This is a gorgeous DIY bird bath. You basically plant all of your flowers in beautiful pots and then paint them any color you want.

Then you place a planter saucer at the top of the flower pot so the birds can use it as a DIY bird bath. It truly is a beautiful addition.


23. The Checkered Flower Pot

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I love the design of this flower pot. The terra cotta pots are really beautiful in my opinion. Plus, they make the project easier (again in my opinion.)

However, the beautiful paint with the checkered design just adds something extra special that would be a beautiful addition to any yard.


24. The Mosaic Bird Bath

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I’ll admit, I’m not the best at anything Mosaic. My husband and I tried to make a Mosaic picture frame on our honeymoon. I still have it but it is in a drawer and we only pull it out when we need a good laugh.

But if you are more artistic than I am, then this might be a great project for you. I’m sure it would make a unique and gorgeous bird bath.


25. Teapot Bird Bath

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Finding little teapots and teacups is actually an inexpensive task at most thrift stores. So if you like the look of this DIY bird bath, then you might want to begin browsing for a few.

But I’m a huge fan of upcycling. So I love how an old set of worn-out dishes can get a new lease on life with a new purpose.


26. The Oil Pan Bird Bath

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This bird bath is a little more extensive than other bird baths. It requires a pump, some PVC pipe, an oil pan, and a plastic tub.

Basically, this bird bath will keep refilling itself which should make life a little easier on you.


27. The Sink Bird Bath

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This picture doesn’t come with a tutorial, sadly. But it looks pretty easy to figure out.

Actually, I have an old sink like this that is going unused. By filling it up with water and attaching it to some type of pole in order to steady it, then this would make a pretty neat bird bath.


28. Serving Bowl Bird Bath

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This is one of those projects that make you wonder “why didn’t I think of that?” Realistically, this project could cost you as little as 5 bucks. Depending on how fancy you would like the serving bowl bath to be.

Use an old serving bowl you’ve had stored under the stairs or go out and find the perfect bowl that you’re wanting to showcase in your magical garden. Afterward, it’s only a few simple steps to attach it to the table leg base. Soon you will have birds bathing in the glistening water and singing sweet morning sonatas.


29. Concrete Leaf Bird Bath

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This bird bath is rather unique. You’ll take a large leaf and coat it in concrete. Then allow it to set up.

Then when it is done, you’ll peel the leaf off and use the caste of it as the bird bath. It is actually a very neat idea.


30. Broken CD Bird Bath

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Do you have discarded old CD’s lying around collecting dust? Then gather them up and have fun breaking them into pieces for this great DIY bird bath.

This bird bath is sure to catch sun rays and reflect them back into the sky, attracting birds of all colors to your garden. An easy (and fun) project that is budget-friendly and looks fabulous.


I hope you have found an idea that will help you to create the perfect bath for your bird friends. I also hope that your feathered friends will enjoy the effort you put into this project!

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30 Adorable DIY Bird Bath Ideas That Are Easy and Fun to Build (2024)


How can I make my bird bath more attractive? ›

One of the best ways to make your birdbath even more attractive is to provide dripping water. Many birds find the sight and sound of moving water irresistible. You can use a commercial dripper or sprayer, or make your own by recycling an old bucket or plastic container.

What type of bird bath attracts the most birds? ›

Shallow basins are best. The water should be no deeper than 2 inches in the middle and ½ to 1 inch at the edges. Place rocks or stones in the middle of your bath for birds to perch and drink without getting their feet wet.

How do you make a love bird bath? ›

Most lovebirds love a bath either in a flat earthenware dish or by spraying them with a light mist of lukewarm water. If you use a bathing dish, you will see the birds perch on the edge and dip their heads and upper bodies in the water and beating their wings. They prefer this kind of bath to getting into the water.

How to make a terra-cotta bird bath? ›

To assemble the basin, stack your terra-cotta pieces: First, position the planter pot upside down; stack the bowl planter on top; lastly, stack the saucer inside the bowl to create a raised level section for the birds to bathe in.

What makes a good bird bath? ›

The best birdbaths are shady, so birds can stay cool during hot summers. Plus, without shade, water gets too warm and evaporates, both of which can make a bird bath far less appealing to local flocks. A little bit of shade, whether natural or manmade, can attract more birds.

What colors attract birds? ›

Different birds like different colors. Hummingbirds are attracted to a broad range of colors including red, pink, orange, and yellow; Orioles enjoy orange, Goldfinches and warblers prefer yellow, and bluebirds and jays are drawn by blue.

What color bird bath is best? ›

Blue is often considered the best color to attract birds because it is reminiscent of water and the sky. It's a naturally occurring color in birds' environments, so they're likely to be drawn to it. Green also blends well with the garden environment and looks natural and safe to birds.

Do bird baths attract rats? ›

If you see a rat drinking from your bird bath, likely it was already living nearby. Placing a bird bath will help attract the birds and wildlife you want. But it won't necessarily attract rats like feeders do. It can be a fun, easy family project to craft a beautiful bird bath.

How to DIY bird bath? ›

Step-By-Step Instructions:
  1. Cut the rods to the needed length, depending on how deep you need to sink them in the ground for stability. ...
  2. Paint the rods. ...
  3. Choose the location of your birdbath. ...
  4. Place the basin on top of the rods.
Mar 21, 2024

Should you put rocks in a bird bath? ›

Give Your Birds Perching Spots

If you happen to have a deeper bird bath, you can make it more appealing by adding in a few rocks in the middle or along the edges. This will give birds a place to land so they can splash and preen themselves in the water.

Why won't birds use my birdbath? ›

Birds might avoid a birdbath due to its location, cleanliness, depth, or lack of cover. Ensure the water is shallow and clean and that the birdbath is in a safe, shaded area.

How do you make a lightweight concrete bird bath? ›

Concrete Bird Bath
  1. Step 1: Setup PVC Mold. Start by cutting your PVC pipe. ...
  2. Step 2: Add Concrete to the Pipe. To give my concrete a darker colour I used oxide powder. ...
  3. Step 3: Add Concrete to the Tub. ...
  4. Step 4: Attach the Bowl to the Pipe. ...
  5. Step 5: Install the Bird Bath in the Garden.

What goes in a bird bath and never gets wet? ›

Q: What goes in a birdbath but never gets wet? A: The bird's shadow.

How do you keep water flowing in a bird bath? ›

Running a small recirculating pump into the birdbath also works well. My favorite water-mover, however, is the mister. Misters release a fine spray of water into the air. They seem to work best in spots where the mist bathes nearby foliage.

What's the best material for a bird bath? ›

Resin, reinforced plastic, and metal are great options for winter birdbaths. But avoid concrete and porcelain: If water seeps into even the tiniest cracks and freezes, the cracks will widen and eventually destroy your birdbath. However, if your birdbath is heated, this will be less of a concern.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.