4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (2024)

ICYMI, I recently embarked on a two-week journey a few weeks ago to test whether tart cherry juice was an effective way to get better sleep. Spoiler: After sipping on tart cherry juice every night—and I've tried a lot of best drinks for sleep—I discovered that it did positively impact my ability to catch some z’s. But how?

For starters, research shows that tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin and tryptophan, two key compounds that can help induce rest, relaxation, and promote your quality of sleep. To break it down, melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the brain triggered by light deprivation (aka when you’re going to bed at night). It helps regulate your body's circadian rhythm, and is linked to improving the duration and quality of your rest, and may also help manage disturbed sleep. Meanwhile, tryptophan may increase your body's serotonin production, which can help improve your mood, decrease inflammation, and promote healthy sleeping patterns. So while tart cherry juice is certainly no secret sleep-inducing elixir, sufficient research does indicate that it can help in the cause—especially when you’ve exhausted your options to get some quality shuteye (pun intended).

All to say, this is why we’ve gathered a few of the best tart cherry juice drink recipes packed with melatonin to help you get better sleep and feel more relaxed this year. And take it from someone who knows: These recipes—from the refreshing almond cherry smoothie or the tongue-tingling tart cherry spritzer—are way more delicious than drinking tart cherry juice on its own.

4 tart cherry juice drink recipes packed with melatonin for better sleep

4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (1)

1. Almond Cherry Smoothie

This delicious cherry smoothie recipe by Ambitious Kitchen is made with tart cherries, banana, creamy almond butter, and a hint of almond extract. And while cherry juice has its nighttime benefits for inducing sleep, if you’re feeling a little on edge during the day, this drink may also help calm your nerves and make you feel slightly more relaxed. Looking for additional health benefits? You can easily upgrade this recipe by adding ingredients like a handful of iron-rich spinach, a scoop of protein powder, and antioxidant-filled cacao powder. Not to mention, you can easily turn it into a smoothie bowl and garnish it with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, and shredded coconut for a hearty meal to start the day.

Get the recipe: Almond Cherry Smoothie

4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (2)

2. Tart Cherry Spritzer

Now, if any bubbly beverage instantly calls your name, this refreshing tart cherry spritzer by Nourish Nutrition is a real game changer. It’s the perfect three-ingredient recipe if you can’t stomach taking a shot of straight tart cherry juice before going to bed without getting a full-blown belly ache. Made from a simple combination of sparkling water, fresh lime juice, and tart cherry juice, this recipe dilutes the sourness of the fruit to make it more palatable and easier to chug come nighttime. Seriously, it’s so good you’ll catch yourself wanting to sip on this throughout the day, too.

Get the recipe: Tart Cherry Spritzer

4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (3)

3. Tart Cherry Mint Iced Tea

Another delicious way to get your daily dose of tart cherry juice is by making this tart cherry mint iced tea recipe by Love and Lemons that blends together tea, mint, and cherry juice. Although this recipe is made with black tea (which has caffeine, meaning it can disrupt sleep if consumed too closely before bedtime), it can easily be replaced with another one of your favorite caffeine-free herbal teas for a similar, more calming result. Best of all, it can be made in large batches to have on hand for sipping when you’re ready to unwind for the night.

Get the recipe: Tart Cherry Mint Iced Tea

4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (4)

4. Tart Cherry Water

Okay, okay, hear us out. Although this hardly counts as a recipe, tart cherry water is the perfect way to stay adequately hydrated while drinking your rest-inducing cherry juice dose of the day. If the thought of chugging a glass of plain ol’ water before bed triggers your ick-factor, infusing it with tart cherry juice can definitely make staving off dehydration much more appealing. Plus, all you need to do is infuse water with crushed cherries. Or even easier, combine tart cherry juice with filtered water—done and done.

Get the recipe: Tart Cherry Water

How about a gluten-free, vegan cherry pie for dessert? Here's how to make it:

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  1. Losso, Jack N et al. “Pilot Study of the Tart Cherry Juice for the Treatment of Insomnia and Investigation of Mechanisms.”American journal of therapeuticsvol. 25,2 (2018): e194-e201. doi:10.1097/MJT.0000000000000584

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Tags: Food and Nutrition, Healthy Drinks, Healthy Eating Tips

4 Tart Cherry Juice Drink Recipes Loaded With Melatonin That Can Help You Finally Get Quality Sleep (2024)


How much tart cherry juice do I drink to help me sleep? ›

Another small study with healthy adults found that 1 oz of tart cherry juice twice a day resulted in increased melatonin levels after 1 week. It also noted improved sleep time and sleep quality compared to a placebo.

What is the TikTok cherry Bedtime drink? ›

The beverage is made with tart cherry juice, magnesium powder, and Lemon Lime OLIPOP, the soda made with plant fiber and prebiotics. TikTok user Taylor Olsen told "GMA" she hopped on the trend because "I love any easy health tip," adding that she enjoyed the drink and has made it a handful of times.

Is drinking tart cherry juice the same as taking melatonin? ›

The amount of melatonin in the dose of cherry juice used in the study was equivalent to 0.135 μg, and the dose of melatonin recommended for sleep is 0.5 to 5 mg. Thus, it would appear that the effect of tart cherry juice on sleep is due to more than its melatonin content.

Who should not drink tart cherry juice? ›

Tart Cherry Juice Warnings

If you have diabetesor another condition that affects blood sugar, you should speak to your doctor before adding tart cherry juice to your diet. Sorbitol, a natural sugar alcohol found in tart cherry juice, can also cause belly pain and diarrhea for some people.

Is it okay to drink tart cherry juice every day? ›

While many studies have shown the benefits of drinking two cups daily, adjusting your intake based on your individual health needs and preferences is important. It's a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider to determine how much tart cherry juice you should consume daily.

Should you dilute tart cherry juice? ›

Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol found in tart cherry juice, can also cause gastrointestinal issues such as stomach cramping and diarrhea for some people, so be sure not to drink too much—and to dilute a concentrate as instructed.

What is the TikTok drink that helps you sleep? ›

Sleepy Girl Mocktail, a drink that social media users claim can help you sleep more soundly, has gained over 58 million views on TikTok. The drink consists of magnesium, tart cherry juice, and prebiotic soda.

How long does it take tart cherry juice to work? ›

The tart cherry extract should start working within a few hours. You may notice that you sleep better and feel more rested after taking the tart cherry extract. But the long-term effect on your body starts showing in 6-8 weeks when it starts healing your body from the inside.

Does the Sleepy Girl co*cktail work? ›

Does the sleepy girl mocktail help you sleep? “People's responses will vary, but the research supports these ingredients for better sleep,” Samantha Cassetty, a registered dietitian based in New York City and the co-author of “Sugar Shock,” tells TODAY.com.

Which fruit has the most melatonin? ›

Goji berries are the fruit highest in melatonin. These little berries are also a valued herbal ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Pair them with almonds in the evening!

What magnesium is best for sleep? ›

Magnesium glycinate: Magnesium glycinate is magnesium bound to glycine (an amino acid). 2 Easy for the body to absorb, magnesium glycinate is known for its calming properties and may promote relaxation and sleep.

What juice is good for sleep? ›

Tart cherry juice may be able to help. Studies suggest that consuming tart cherry juice leads to better and longer sleep. Tart cherry juice's positive effect on sleep may be due to tryptophan and melatonin. Melatonin is a sleep hormone secreted at certain times of day to help the body transition to sleep.

What is the disadvantage of tart cherry? ›

There are a few slight drawbacks to regularly drinking tart cherry juice, but side effects are rare. “Potential side effects of tart cherry juice consumption may include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea,” according to the National Capitol Poison Center.

Is tart cherry hard on the liver? ›

In a study by Van Der Werf et al. [67] , a diet enriched with cherries helped maintain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status, leading to a reduction in vascular and liver complications. ...

How close to bedtime should you drink tart cherry juice? ›

Incorporating Tart Cherry Juice Into Your Nighttime Routine

To prevent the juice from making you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, drink it 1-2 hours before you lay down for bed. It's also a source of sugar, so it's a good idea to drink it at least 30 minutes before you brush your teeth.

What medications does tart cherry juice interact with? ›

What Medications Does Tart Cherry Juice Interact With?
  • Anticoagulants or antiplatelet medications for blood clots.
  • Anticonvulsants for seizures.
  • Birth control pills.
  • Caffeine.
  • Diabetes medications.
  • High blood pressure medications.
  • Immunosuppressants.
Dec 14, 2023

How long does tart cherry juice last? ›

Tart cherry juice: mixing and serving suggestions

Getting Started: Cherry juice concentrate should be refrigerated upon arrival. You can store it for 6 months in the refrigerator or 12 months in the freezer.

What is the difference between tart cherry juice and cherry juice? ›

Tart cherry juice is sour to taste and provides a higher amount of anthocyanins compared to black cherry juice, which is sweeter in taste and has less anthocyanins. Anthocyanins promote anti-inflammatory processes in the body. Both are great, nutritious options. Read on for seven reasons to sip and savor cherry juice.

How much tart cherry juice for joint pain? ›

The study found that people who drank two bottles of tart cherry juice every day for six weeks had decreased pain scores compared with the group that drank a placebo. Each bottle of juice contained the equivalent of 45 tart cherries and a hefty dose of sugar — 31 g.

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