Are brown mushrooms, like criminis, baby bellas, portabellas, and portobellos more nutritious than white mushrooms? (2024)

Fresh white and brown mushrooms are nutrient powerhouses, providing several important nutrients.

Fresh white and brown mushrooms are nutrient powerhouses, providing several important nutrients while avoiding less desirable ones, such as sodium and cholesterol. The nutrients in our White, Baby Bella and Portabella are very similar. In fact, our white and brown mushrooms are from the same species: Agaricus bisporus. Another interesting fact is that Portabella mushrooms are simply Baby Bella mushrooms that have grown larger and more mature. They each contain potassium, B vitamins, selenium and, if exposed to light, are the only source of vitamin D in the produce aisle, and more!

Here is the nutrient-packed profile of mushrooms:

  • Fiber
  • B Vitamins: Riboflavin, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid
  • Potassium
  • Selenium (an antioxidant)
  • Copper
  • Ergothioneine
  • Vitamin D (if labeled, "High in Vitamin D")

Looking for specific nutrient content? Visit our website to download our mushroom nutrition chart:

Are brown mushrooms, like criminis, baby bellas, portabellas, and portobellos more nutritious than white mushrooms? (2024)


Are brown mushrooms, like criminis, baby bellas, portabellas, and portobellos more nutritious than white mushrooms? ›

Fresh white and brown mushrooms are nutrient powerhouses, providing several important nutrients while avoiding less desirable ones, such as sodium and cholesterol. The nutrients in our White, Baby Bella and Portabella are very similar. In fact, our white and brown mushrooms are from the same species: Agaricus bisporus.

Are brown mushrooms healthier than white mushrooms? ›

Why is White Mushrooms better than Brown Mushrooms? Considerably more vitamin C per 100g. Sizably more gamma-tocopherol per 100g.

Are baby bella mushrooms more nutritious than white mushrooms? ›

Nutrition and Health Benefits

Since white button, baby bella, and portobella are all the same species of mushroom, their nutritional value is extremely similar. They are great sources and B vitamins, especially riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

What is the difference between white vs brown vs baby bella mushrooms? ›

Identifying Baby Bellas

Baby Bella mushrooms are similar in appearance to Whites in shape and texture, except these Brown mushrooms have a light tan to rich brown cap and a firmer texture.

Are cremini mushrooms better for you than white mushrooms? ›

White mushrooms, which account for about 90% of the mushrooms consumed in the U.S., have the most potassium at 300 mg per serving, says Lemond, while cremini and portobello mushrooms have the most of the antioxidant ergothioneine, she says.

Which mushroom has the most health benefits? ›

Chaga is considered an adaptogen, meaning it is a natural substance that helps improve (adapt) the body's stress response for enhanced adrenal health. Chaga is known as “The King of Mushrooms” because of its incredible health benefits, namely combatting systemic inflammation with its potent antioxidants.

Which mushrooms are healthiest from grocery store? ›

What are the Healthiest Mushrooms for Meals?
  1. Shiitake Mushrooms. Like many mushrooms on this list, shiitake mushrooms grow naturally in Asian countries. ...
  2. White Button Mushrooms. ...
  3. Oyster Mushrooms. ...
  4. Portobello Mushrooms. ...
  5. Porcini Mushrooms. ...
  6. Chanterelle Mushrooms. ...
  7. Enoki Mushrooms.

Which is healthier, shiitake or portobello? ›

Nutrition and Health Benefits

While Portobello mushrooms are high in iron, potassium and vitamin D, no one ranks them as highly as the Shiitake variety for health. Cultures around the world prize Shiitake mushrooms for their health benefits, including warding off heart disease.

What is the difference between crimini and baby bella mushrooms? ›

Yep! "Baby bellas" is another name for cremini mushrooms because it's the last stage of maturity before these mushrooms become full-blown portobellos.

What are the healthiest cooked mushrooms? ›

Oyster mushrooms, shiitake, maitake, button mushrooms, and lion's mane are just a few mushroom types known to positively impact overall health. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Can you eat the black part of baby bella mushrooms? ›

Likewise, the dark black gills can be eaten, but they'll turn your food a nasty, murky, scuzzy brown, so it's best to scrape'em out. The key here is to pry with the tip of a spoon instead of just going at it with the side of the spoon.

How long do baby bella mushrooms last in the fridge? ›

Avoid plastic bags and sealed containers when storing mushrooms as the lack of air flow will speed any spoilage. Whole, raw mushrooms will keep for approximately four to seven days in the refrigerator. Sliced mushrooms stored the same way will last about 2-3 days.

How long do mushrooms last in the fridge? ›

Whole, raw mushrooms will keep from 4-7 days in the refrigerator, while sliced mushrooms (stored the same way), will last 1-2 days. Do not wash until ready to use. To clean mushrooms, brush off any dirt and quickly rinse under water, then pat dry.

What are the best mushrooms for feeling good? ›

For anxiety and depression, some of the best mushrooms include Reishi, Lion's Mane, and Cordyceps. Reishi mushrooms are known for its calming properties and can help regulate the body's stress response. Lion's Mane mushroom supports brain health and cognitive function, which can be beneficial in managing depression.

What are the benefits of brown cremini mushrooms? ›

Like all mushrooms, cremini 'shrooms are low in calories and fat. But they're rich in antioxidants, fiber, and potassium. They even have some protein! Eating cremini mushrooms on the reg could help you prevent constipation, oxidative stress, heart disease, and pregnancy-related high blood pressure or diabetes.

Should you wash mushrooms? ›

Yes, folks, you can indeed wash your mushrooms. The critical step is to wait to wash them until right before you cook with them so they don't get bogged down with water. After giving the mushrooms a rinse, dry them off, and you're ready to cook.

Can you eat too many brown mushrooms? ›

Mushrooms are a rich source of many vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber and plant-based protein. While it's possible to get too much of some of these nutrients, you would have to eat a ton of mushrooms — and most people can't stomach that.

Are white mushrooms the healthiest? ›

White mushrooms are foods rich in bioactive compounds that provide benefits to human health including: Anti-cancer properties, cholesterol-lowering, and improved gut health.... They also contain The protein content is high, but the calories provided by white mushrooms are very low.

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