Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (2024)

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Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (1)

My Cherry Loaf Cake Recipe is one of my favourite summer cake recipes, a great way to showcase the fresh, local cherries that are in season. Of course, you can make Cherry Loaf Cake all year round with imported cherries, but I always think local cherriestaste better. I’m a big fan of eating local, seasonal food because it’s not only better for the environment, it’s better for your health as well.

My Cherry Loaf Cake recipe is super easy to make and only takes a few minutes to throw together. It does take about 45 minutes to bake, but once you have made it a few times (and believe me, you will) you can just leave it to its own devices during most of that time. I do recommend checking the cake regularly just to make sure it’s not cooking too fast, especially the first couple of times you make it. Oven temperatures vary so radically, even when you check them regularly with an oven thermometer as I do.

You do need to let the cake cool completely before glazing it. The cake is delicious without too, but I love the flavour and colour the glaze adds. Either way, be sure to let the cake cool before you slice it.

Why Use Yogurt in Baking?

Usingyogurt makes for a reallymoist and tender cake as well as adding a bit of goodness. I use less sugar than normal in this loaf cake because most flavoured yogurts contain a lot of sugar as it is. Cherry yogurt is fantastic in this recipe, but if you can’t get that flavour, plain or vanilla yogurt works really well too. The cherry flavour isn’t as intense if you don’t use a flavoured yogurt, but the cake is still lovely.

How to Pit Cherries

There’s nothing like the wonderful flavour of sweet cherries in this Cherry Loaf Cake recipe. A little hint – it’s really important to pit cherries properly. My husband doesn’t like fresh cherries due to an unfortunate cherry pieincident in France many years ago. Some traditional French cooks believe that cherries have a better flavour if you cook them with the pits in, and the person who had made the fateful piewas definitely of that persuasion. Even though it was years ago, my husband still can’t forget the horror of biting into a mouthful of cherry pits.

One of the other reasons some cooks may be reluctant to pit cherries is that it is a fiddly, messy job.I’m not a naturally co-ordinated person sotrying to pit cherries in the past was not a lot of fun. Buying this Oxo cherry pitter was one of the best kitchen gadget decisions I ever made.It makes the job so much easier, although there is usually still a little bit of cherry juice flying around, despite the wonderful splatter guard, so be sure to wear an apron you are not too worried about. (Cherry juice can stain clothes.) I actually find using the cherry pitter quite satisfying and therapeutic. Like shelling peas or preparing fresh beans, it’s somehow very relaxing.

Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (2)

How to Serve Cherry Loaf Cake

I love loaf cakes for so many reasons – they are portable, as easy to make as quick breads, keep well, and are incredibly handy to have in sitting in a pretty cake stand on the side ready for unexpected guests. There is something so comforting about having this bright and cheerful Cherry Loaf Cake on hand, ready to offer anyone who looks in need of a slice of cake, or even just as a little treat for myself.

Serve the loaf cake plain with a tea, coffee or glass of milk, or dress it up for dessert with a scoop of ice cream. Slices of Cherry Loaf Cake are also lovely served on a cake stand as part of Afternoon Tea.

Cherry Loaf Cake – Printable Recipe

Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (3)

Created by: April J Harris

Cherry Loaf Cake Recipe

Course Dessert

Cuisine Canadian

Servings 10

This cherry studded loaf is perfect for any occasion! My Easy Cherry Loaf Cake recipe is moist and delicious, a real family favourite.

Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Cook Time 45 minutes mins


  • cups plain flour plus a little extra for coating the cherries Plain flour is also known as all-purpose flour.
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup cherry yogurt
  • ¾ cup granulated or caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup mild olive oil not extra-virgin
  • 1 cup cherries That is about 12 to 14 cherries.
  • For the glaze
  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons maraschino cherry juice
  • about 1 tablespoon water
  • a drop of pink food colouring optional


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C or 165°C for fan ovens, Gas Mark 4).

  • Grease or line a 2 lb (8½ x 4¼x 2½ inch) loaf pan.

  • Remove the pits from the cherries and cut each one in half.

  • Put the cherries in a small bowl, sprinkle a little of the extra flour over top (about 1 teaspoon) and toss gently.

  • Sift the 1½ cups flour, baking powder and salt into a medium bowl.

  • Stir in the sugar. Set the dry ingredients aside.

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the yogurt, eggs, vanilla and oil using a fork or whisk.

  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients in two additions, stirring with a wooden spoon between additions.

  • Beat gently using the wooden spoon until all ingredients are combined and the batter is relatively smooth.

  • Gently fold in the flour coated cherries.

  • Pour the batter into the loaf pan and bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until a tester inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.

  • Cool in the pan for 20 minutes before removing the cake and placing it on a wire rack to cool completely.

  • When the cake is cold, prepare the glaze.

  • Place the icing sugar in a small bowl and whisk in the maraschino cherry juice.

  • Gradually whisk in the water, a bit at at time, until a smooth, drizzle-able consistency is reached.

  • Whisk in the food colouring, if using.

  • Place a piece of parchment or waxed paper underneath the rack the cake cooled on and drizzle the glaze over the cake.

  • Allow the glaze to set before slicing and serving the cake.

did you make this recipe?

Make sure to tag #apriljharris on Instagram and follow @apriljharris for more.

More Loaf Cake Recipes

Cherry Almond Loaf Cake

Banana Gingerbread Loaf Cake

Butternut Pecan Loaf Cake

Rhubarb and Ginger Drizzle Cake

Auntie’s Old Fashioned Spice Cake

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    Comments & Reviews

  1. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (4)Cydnee Knoth says

    I love this recipe April. I just pinned and shared it on my page. Delicious!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (5)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Cydnee, and thank you for pinning and sharing too 🙂


  2. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (6)peter @feedyoursoultoo says

    April, cherries are my favorite fruit and I do not cook with them nearly enough. I like that you used them both in the cake and as a topping.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (7)April Harris says

      Thank you, Peter 🙂


  3. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (8)Kim says

    I adore cherry loaf so this is right up my alley. Not only delicious but pretty too.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (9)April Harris says

      Thank you, Kim 🙂


  4. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (10)Krysten (@themomnoms) says

    This looks so good!
    Right now is totally the best time to get cherries. Unfortunately I would have to buy 2x what the recipe calls for because I would totally eat 1/2 of them before they even went into my loaf!
    Great work!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (11)April Harris says

      Thank you, Krysten! I struggle not to eat too many of the cherries while I’m making this cake too!


  5. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (12)Bri says

    This is beautiful! I love how you put big cherry pieces inside the loaf – yum!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (13)April Harris says

      Thank you, Bri 🙂 The trick is to coat the cherry pieces with a bit of flour so they distribute evenly through the cake and don’t all sink to the bottom.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (15)April Harris says

      You could definitely do that, Jacquee. The cake would be absolutely fine baked without the cherries 🙂


  6. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (16)Kelsey @ Kelsey in the Kitchen says

    I feel like this loaf cake is calling my name! Cherry inspired desserts and treats are the absolute best. And I totally get what you mean about pitting cherries being therapeutic! That’s how I feel about peeling apples for apple pie 😀


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (17)April Harris says

      Thank you, Kelsey! I feel that way about peeling apples too 🙂


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (20)April Harris says

      Thank you, Dannii! I must admit, I’m loving anything cherry at the moment too – it must be because it’s summer 🙂


  7. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (21)Tara says

    Such a wonderful use of cherries! That glaze is gorgeous and I just love the cherries peeking out of the slices. I definitely need to get that pitter.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (22)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Tara 🙂 The pitter really is amazing – and I’m such a gadget addict it takes a lot to impress me!


  8. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (23)Lisa | Garlic + Zest says

    Cherries are my favorite summer fruit, but I’ve never tried them in a cake before. This looks so cheery and delicious!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (24)April Harris says

      I love cherries too, Lisa. Thank you so much!


  9. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (25)Winnie says

    Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (26)
    It’s a wonderful looking cake!
    That pinky drizzle – wowwww, I loooooooooove it 🙂
    My family loves cherries – as they are and in sweets


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (27)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Winnie 🙂


  10. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (28)Jamie @ Medium Sized Family says

    This looks delicious!! I pinned it. Hopefully I’ll find some time in a few weeks to make it. 🙂


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (29)April Harris says

      Thank you, Jamie, and thank you so much for pinning as well. Please do let me know if you try it!


  11. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (30)Hadia says

    Such a pretty cake and it looks heavenly. My mouth is watering!Pinning and tweeting!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (31)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Hadia, and thank you for pinning and tweeting as well 🙂


  12. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (32)Jo says

    YUUUMMMMY. April this looks and sound so good.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (33)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Jo!


  13. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (34)Catherine Sokolowski says

    Your recipes are always a treat for the eyes as well as the taste buds!!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (35)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Catherine! What a lovely compliment!


  14. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (36)Miz Helen says

    Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (37)
    Hi April,
    Your Cherry Loaf Cake looks amazing, we are going to really enjoy this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (38)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Miz Helen! I hope your week has been lovely too 🙂


  15. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (39)Beverlyn Tapia says

    Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (40)
    I would love to try this. Was just thinking if there’s any alternative to cherry yogurt?


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (41)April Harris says

      Hi Beverlyn! You could use vanilla yogurt, or even plain yogurt if you prefer. The flavour might not be as intensely cherry, but it would still be absolutely delicious. 🙂


  16. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (42)Rachael says

    This looks so great! I love that the cherries are frozen, too. That makes me think it’d be a perfect loaf for the middle of winter when you’re desperate for a bite of summer! Or, of course, right now. 🙂


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (43)April Harris says

      Thank you, Rachael 🙂


  17. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (44)Alexandra says

    This cake looks incredible! I have never had cherry cake before, but now I think I will have to! Will be perfect to have a slice in the morning with my coffee.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (45)April Harris says

      Thank you, Alexandra. I hope you enjoy the recipe when you try it. I love a slice of cake with a coffee in the morning!


  18. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (46)Miz Helen says

    Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (47)
    We sure have enjoyed featuring your awesome post on Full Plate Thursday,547. Hope you are having a great summer and come back to see us soon!
    Miz Helen


  19. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (48)Stacy Roman says

    Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (49)
    This bread looks absolutely fabulous. I can not wait to try it. Thanks for sharing at Full Plate Thursday.


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (50)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Stacy!


  20. Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (51)Irene says

    I have pinned your recipe to try soon; that loaf looks irresistible!


    • Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (52)April Harris says

      Thank you so much, Irene! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. 🙂


Easy Cherry Loaf Cake (2024)
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