Error - 404 (2024)

Error 404.

Woops. Looks like this page doesn't exist. Please click on the homepage button and navigate our site from there.

Error - 404 (2024)


How do I fix error code 404? ›

Here are some different methods you can try to fix a 404 error as a web user:
  1. Refresh the page. ...
  2. Check the URL. ...
  3. Use a search engine. ...
  4. Try to access the webpage from a different device. ...
  5. Clear your cache and delete cookies. ...
  6. Create a 404 page. ...
  7. Create a redirect. ...
  8. Correct the link.
Feb 13, 2024

How do I skip 404 error? ›

Can You Bypass a 404 Error? No, you cannot bypass a 404 error, as it is a response from the server indicating that the requested page cannot be found. However, you can set up a redirect to a different page on your website or use a custom 404 page to provide helpful information to visitors.

What is an example of a 404 response? ›

One example of a non-existent URL that results in a 404 error is If you check this URL, you will get a standard 404 error page that says, “Not Found” and “The requested URL /this-page-does-not-exist was not found on this server.”

Is error 404 good or bad? ›

Having pages with error 404 on your website isn't necessarily a bad thing. But you should be aware of which pages they are.

What triggers a 404 error? ›

404 error codes are generated when a user attempts to access a webpage that does not exist, has been moved, or has a dead or broken link. The 404 error code is one of the most frequent errors a web user encounters. Servers are required to respond to client requests, such as when a user attempts to visit a webpage.

Is error 404 My fault? ›

The 404 Not Found error might appear for several reasons even though no real issue exists, so sometimes a simple refresh will often load the page you were looking for. Check for errors in the URL. Often times this error appears because the URL was typed wrong or the link selected points to the wrong URL.

Does 404 error mean I was blocked? ›

Understand the Error

A 404 error means that the server cannot find the requested URL. A 410 error means that the resource requested is no longer available. Essentially, the page has been deleted. A 429 error means the user has sent too many requests in a specific timeframe.

How do you handle a 404 error? ›

URL Change.

404 errors can also happen when URLs are changed. If you change the URL on a page, the old URL will return a not-found 404 error. Not-found errors caused by changed URLs are usually easy to fix by adding a redirect from the old URL to the new URL.

What is the most common message on error 404? ›

The HTTP specification suggests the phrase "Not Found" and many web servers by default issue an HTML page that includes both the 404 code and the "Not Found" phrase. A 404 error is often returned when pages have been moved or deleted.

What are two possible causes of 404 error? ›

Error 404 is a client-side issue indicating the requested URL can't be found on the server. It may occur because of several reasons, such as the domain is not pointed correctly, a broken . htaccess file, or misconfigured file permissions.

Is Error 404 permanent? ›

A 404 status code only indicates that the resource is missing: not whether the absence is temporary or permanent. If a resource is permanently removed, use the 410 (Gone) status instead.

Do 404 errors hurt my site? ›

404 errors won't impact your site's search performance, and you can safely ignore them if you're certain that the URLs should not exist on your site.”

What causes a 404 server error? ›

What Is Error 404? Error 404 is a client-side issue indicating the requested URL can't be found on the server. It may occur because of several reasons, such as the domain is not pointed correctly, a broken . htaccess file, or misconfigured file permissions.

What is 404 reason error? ›

The typical trigger for an error 404 message is when website content has been removed or moved to another URL. There are also other reasons why an error message could appear. These include: The URL or its content (such as files or images) was either deleted or moved (without adjusting any internal links accordingly)

Why do I keep getting a 404 error on Google? ›

If you see a 404 error for a specific URL in your Google Search Console account, it is because the URL is redirecting to a page that no longer exists.

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