How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 27, 2024

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Follow online sources


Attend webinars and courses


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Experiment with your own space


Network with other professionals


Seek feedback from your clients


Here’s what else to consider

Keeping up with the latest design trends can be challenging, especially if you work full time as an interior designer or a related profession. You want to stay on top of the new styles, colors, materials, and techniques that can inspire your projects and impress your clients. But how can you find the time and resources to do so, without compromising your work quality or your work-life balance? Here are some tips to help you out.

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  • Shreesh Thergaonkar Director of Projects | Architecture | Design | Management | Programme Management | Master Planning | Project Management…

    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (3) 10

  • Rebecca Brewer Moore Assistant Professor, Interior Design at O’More College of Architecture and Design, Belmont University

    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (5) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (6) 13

  • Adela Parvu Interior design/ Blogger

    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (8) 5

How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (9) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (10) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (11)

1 Follow online sources

One of the easiest and most accessible ways to keep up with the latest design trends is to follow online sources that curate and showcase them. You can browse through blogs, magazines, podcasts, newsletters, social media accounts, and websites that focus on interior design and related topics. You can also use online tools like Pinterest, Instagram, and Houzz to create boards and collections of images that reflect your personal style and preferences. You can do this whenever you have some spare time, such as during breaks, commutes, or weekends.

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  • Adela Parvu Interior design/ Blogger
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    From experience, I can say that there are three effective ways to stay updated with trends: follow online influencers, attend international design exhibitions (at least one significant event), and be present at presentations and product launches organized by major brands in the industry. If you have no time at all, then you must be willing to allocate funds, namely, to purchase trend books. For any interior designer, research is an integral part of the job. And yes, it helps a lot, as in my case, if you have your own blog where you write about news and trends.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (20) 5

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    To stay current with the latest design trends while working full time as an interior designer, leverage online sources effectively. Follow reputable design blogs, websites, and industry publications for regular updates. Engage with online design communities on platforms like social media to share insights and learn from peers. Subscribe to newsletters and podcasts dedicated to interior design trends. Utilize online courses and webinars to enhance your skills. By incorporating these online resources into your routine, you can seamlessly integrate trend awareness into your busy schedule and maintain a contemporary and informed design approach.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (29) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (30) 34

  • Diana Kellogg Diana Kellogg // Owner/Principal at Diana Kellogg Architects
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    I go with my intuition and respond to the client, program and location. Due to the fact that where im designing is responding to the here and now, there is no need for arbitrary trends


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (39) 9


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2 Attend webinars and courses

Another way to keep up with the latest design trends is to attend webinars and courses that offer insights and training on them. You can find online platforms that offer free or paid webinars and courses on various aspects of interior design, such as color theory, lighting, furniture, accessories, and more. You can also look for online courses that offer certifications or credentials that can boost your resume and portfolio. You can schedule these webinars and courses according to your availability and convenience, and learn from experts and peers in the field.

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    To stay abreast of the latest design trends while working full time as an interior designer, prioritize attending both online and in-person webinars and courses. Explore reputable platforms offering virtual design events and educational sessions. Participate in industry-specific webinars that highlight emerging trends and innovations. Attend real courses or workshops, whether in-person or virtually, to deepen your knowledge and skills. Balancing online and real-world educational opportunities ensures a comprehensive understanding of contemporary design, allowing you to integrate the latest trends seamlessly into your work while managing a full-time schedule.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (48) 11

  • Adela Parvu Interior design/ Blogger
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    In my opinion, you sense trends; you feel them after seeing, reading, and interacting with products and people. Besides a personal perspective, webinars can be an unexpected way to sharpen your intuition because beyond presentations, you learn a lot from the questions of other participants. So when it comes to trends, I would rather say that webinars with socio-cultural or socio-economic themes are more auspicious because they complement your information arsenal. This helps you understand the context of your life more deeply and the reasons new trends might emerge. Why do I say this? Because trends are more than just directions of color, textures, shapes, styles; trends speak to how people feel about expressing the life they live.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (57) 4


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3 Join online communities

A third way to keep up with the latest design trends is to join online communities that share and discuss them. You can find online forums, groups, networks, and clubs that cater to interior designers and enthusiasts of all levels and backgrounds. You can also join online events, such as challenges, contests, workshops, and meetups that can help you showcase your skills and learn from others. You can interact with these online communities whenever you feel like, and benefit from the feedback, support, and inspiration they provide.

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  • Soledad Correa Arquitecto IQ4
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    Me ha resultado útil conversar con otros colegas y compartir ideas de diseño. Para mantener al día conceptos y tendencias.Quienes trabajamos en diseño, somos seres de concepto visual, necesitamos imágenes para estimular la creatividad.



    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (66) 5

  • Victoria Cufre Co-Founder and Interior Designer at Mico Design Studio
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    Beyond internet forums and designer groups, in our company, we pay special attention to the feedback from our social media followers' community. We are interested in their opinions about the projects and regularly involve them in the design and construction process through surveys and questions. Naturally, we also keep an eye on what other interior designers, architects, or inspiring professionals are working on.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (75) 1


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4 Experiment with your own space

A fourth way to keep up with the latest design trends is to experiment with your own space and see how they work for you. You can use your home or office as a testing ground for new ideas, styles, and products that you want to try out. You can also use your own space as a portfolio that can demonstrate your creativity and versatility to potential clients and collaborators. You can do this as often as you like, and have fun with the process of transforming your space according to your mood and taste.

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    Experimenting with your own space can be daunting especially if you are starting and you have a super limited budget (most of which Autodesk has taken away). Try learning and using the umpteen Generative AI tools available today like PromeAI, MusavirAI, Midjourney, LeonardoAI, etc., to visually experiment and brainstorm exceptional imaginative concepts in interior design. Many of these tools offer free trials or free generations for beginners.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (84) 8

  • Barbara Schuld Adams Independent Illinois Licensed Interior Designer
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    I change my personal Space. Seasonally , all 4 seasons. With accessories rugs and pillows throws etc Towels in bathrooms . Along with adding specific detail accessories for each holiday … big and small This change out , gives me energy and visual fresh prospective .


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (93) 3


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5 Network with other professionals

A fifth way to keep up with the latest design trends is to network with other professionals who are involved in the interior design industry. You can connect with other designers, architects, contractors, suppliers, vendors, and influencers who can offer you valuable insights, tips, referrals, and opportunities. You can also attend online or offline events, such as conferences, trade shows, exhibitions, and awards that can expose you to the latest trends and innovations in the field. You can network with other professionals whenever you have the chance, and build lasting relationships that can enhance your career and reputation.

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  • Shreesh Thergaonkar Director of Projects | Architecture | Design | Management | Programme Management | Master Planning | Project Management | Ex- Reliance Industries Limited | Ex- SGS | Ex- Reliance Retail | 3+ DECADES of pro experience
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    It is important to do networking. However, it must not be taken for granted and must not be converted as a social function. Such networking must be thoughtful, exchange of ideas, thoughts must be discussed in detail. In today’s scenario, I find such networking sessions more as a social event rather that serious business and professional exchange avenues.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (102) 10

  • Suzanne S. Felber, Lifestylist® Curator of great Wine.Dine and Design
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    Being on the design councils for Thermador Appliances and Signature Kitchen Suite has been one of the best opportunities that could have happened in my career. Being able to be hands-on with product design and testing has been priceless. Networking with the best designers in the industry has been an incredible experience, and we have created lifelong friendships. The Beko Healthy Kitchen Council has been my latest appointment, and after learning about sustainability and how easy it can be to create a healthy lifestyle, how I live and work has changed for the better. Designhounds has been an incredible resource to network with other designers on an international level.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (111) 4

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    As a CEO distracted with the day to day of running a design business I find that taking the time to attend the national convention for four days really helps me stay in tune with industry trends and technology developments. This year’s convention in San Francisco was particularly stimulating, the keynotes, seminars and especially the tours of the city! It was an enriching experience!


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (120) 3


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6 Seek feedback from your clients

A sixth way to keep up with the latest design trends is to seek feedback from your clients and see how they respond to them. You can ask your clients about their preferences, needs, expectations, and satisfaction with your work. You can also ask them about their opinions, suggestions, and recommendations on the current and emerging trends in interior design. You can do this before, during, or after completing a project, and use the feedback to improve your skills and services.

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  • Victoria Cufre Co-Founder and Interior Designer at Mico Design Studio
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    The clients' voice is truly valuable throughout the entire work process; from the initial interviews to the delivery of the finished work; their suggestions and opinions are crucial. It's through these interactions that we can also gain a better understanding of the current trends in the field.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (129) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (130) 11

  • donna furlong Interior Designer and owner at Donna Furlong Interiors, Inc.
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    I have always found that my clients are more interested in my approach to their objectives, than what is trending in the industry. This keeps their project way more individual and my portfolio a true representation of my creativity without fear of it eventually feeling dated.One of my real fears is looking back on a design and wishing I had done it differently because it is dated. I can honestly say, I have never experienced that regret.They feel as current today as the date of completion.Each client deserves to have their own handprint on their home. It is my job to put it there in a way that stands the test of time using my unique lens .That is what they hired me to do. Rooms that excite the eye and comfort the soul. That is true love.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (139) 7


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Rebecca Brewer Moore Assistant Professor, Interior Design at O’More College of Architecture and Design, Belmont University


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    Don't follow design trends! Design a space that is authentic and that withstands the test time and meets the client's need. Trends are temporary and in a world where sustainable practices are valued design spaces that last! Quality over quantity will save time, money, and resources in the long run.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (148) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (149) 13

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    The market will be flooded with ideas, good and bad, succeeding and failing. Your role as a creative designer is to be aware and understand the implications of trends, but to be a creator and editor…create new concepts and forms to challenge the market, with a knowledge and awareness of what the end user needs and wants. Commercial creativity is a rare skill. If you’re purely reflecting trends you’re failing to move your clients forward.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (158) How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (159) 25

  • Joanna Feeley Forecasting the future of life at home. Trend Forecaster, Chief Executive at TrendBible, Author of Trend Leader, coming soon in 2024.
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    Make sure you get an external view from a dedicated trend agency - or ideally 2, to eliminate geographical bias. Whilst sometimes this intel adds value by confirmation of your own research & forecasts, trend agencies forecast future trends 365 days per year & there’s no way designers can get to that much research & analysis if they are also expected to design a product range. The modern designer is already stretched with design, product development, travel & sampling. Designers need to be equipped with foresight & trend forecasting tools to enable them to do their jobs properly & be well informed. Not just about product, but what’s more broadly influencing the consumer, because disruptive change often comes from outside your category.


    How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (168) 13


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Interior Design How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (169)

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How can you keep up with the latest design trends while working full time? (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.