'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (2024)

Whether you're into fitness or not, there's a chance you've heard about Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) – the PT-turned-social-sensation who helped to keep us all sane during lockdown, and whose Lean in 15 books regularly top the bestsellers list.

As for Wicks' approach: he is very pro tasty recipes and quick, high intensity workouts and very anti low calorie diets, spending hours in the gym, and weighing yourself. Which erm, sounds pretty good to me.

Up until fairly recently, the backbone of Joe Wicks' business was his 90-day plans (known as the SSS plan, which stands for 'shift, shape and sustain'), where clients could pay about £150 for a 3 month diet and exercise plan, in the hopes of achieving an epic transformation – like the one that Wicks is prone to posting on his social feeds.

However, as of 2023, said 90-day plans are no longer available and it seems Wicks is now just pushing and prioritising his award-winning Body Coach app instead. By the looks of things, the Body Coach app still offers personalised elements and is cheaper with prices starting from £7.50 per month.

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (1)

Transformation pics, food, and topless selfies from Joe's Instagram

However, whilst I can't comment on the Body Coach app in its current form – I can tell you that I was so suckered in by the transformation posts back in 2016 that I decided to embark on reviewing Joe Wicks' SSS 90-day plan myself.

Initially, I was a bit sceptical too. Could anyone do this plan and really get in the best shape of their lives? I wanted to find out, so I forked out £150 of my own money, stocked up on Tupperware, and joined the Body Coach bandwagon. And here's what happened (WARNING: contains pics of me in highly unflattering pants!).

About Me

Firstly, a bit about me and my body. I am not overweight and nor did I think I needed to change my body massively, but I wanted to educate myself about eating properly for exercise. My diet was all over the shop, and I just didn't feel good. So I was craving a fitness plan with structure that would help to get my overall health back on track, because, reminder: slim doesn't necessarily mean healthy and vice versa.

Cycle 1

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (3)

To kick things off, you fill in a questionnaire about your diet and lifestyle, before inputting your waist, hip, arm and leg measurements, your weight and then front, side and back photos of you in your pants. This feels massively cringe, but it's so you can track your progress. You're then assigned a 'support hero' who is a (very nice) dude/lady you can email with your queries, and a few days later, your shiny new plan arrives.

Here's me in my pants.

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (5)

It's worth noting I took these pics when I signed up for the plan, then Christmas happened. So I was actually more bloated when I started. I also didn't think it through that a clearer photo and not wearing leggings or gross baggy pants would have been a good idea. But then I didn't expect it to be an entire feature published on the world wide web, so hey!

In this cycle it's all about fat burning and revving up your metabolism, so you do 5 x 25 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts a week, and you eat 3 meals (one high carb after exercise, the rest low carb) from recipes laid out in your plan, plus two snacks, and a protein shake after your HIIT session, which is ideally done in the morning, on an empty stomach.

It's all worked out at the exact weights and portions, so expect to weigh out food a lot and do a lot of meal prep so you can stay on plan. You also aren't supposed to booze at all (yep), but you drink loads of water and can have two coffees with a bit of milk a day, or two teas.

Here's a sample menu:

Post-Fasted Workout: Protein Shake

Breakfast: Pancakes made with banana, Cottage Cheese, egg whites and protein powder, with yoghurt and berries

Snack: Turkey Bacon Muffins

Lunch: Lean Muscle Mince

Snack: Hard-boiled egg

Dinner: Chicken Satay

Joe suggests (but doesn't enforce) a load of supplements to help recovery - but the only thing I took was BCAA powder (Branched Chain Amino Acids), with water, which I found helped power me through the HIIT on an empty stomach and meant my muscles didn't get sore. It's a bit like fruit squash. Made by Satan.

How I got on.

I'll be honest, I wasn't as committed to Cycle One as I could have been. I loved the food, and did all the workouts easily enough (they are short and you can either do gym classes like spin or follow Youtube videos. My gym did amazing HIIT classes for free). Most people find the food the hardest thing, but I didn't mind eating salmon for breakfast, and the portions were huge. But the insane amounts of spinach and Total Greek Yoghurt are overwhelming even if you're greedy like me.

Sadly I also boozed at weekends which basically meant I was burning alcohol, not fat. Plus I couldn't get my head around the idea of eating so much to get in shape, so I didn't always have my snacks, which is supposed to help fuel your body to burn fat and build muscle.

But then I gave myself a kick up the arse - Cycle 1 is where you're supposed to see the most changes, and if I wasn't going to commit to this, what was the point? So I extended Cycle 1 by a few weeks, got better at meal prep, and saw a SLIGHT change. But this lack of results was all my fault really. On the plus side, I wasn't as reliant on my morning coffee, was sleeping better and got so fit I was nailing HIIT classes in my gym. So fitness wise, there was a huge improvement.

Cycle 2

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (8)

Cycle 2 is the muscle-building phase - where you eat a lot more carbs and start combining mini HIIT workouts with weight training. A lot of people moan about this cycle because while you eat ALL THE CARBS, you often put on a bit of 'weight' which is basically your body gaining muscle. Plus all those carbs tend to bloat you a bit after Cycle One. So people 'feel' like they look bigger, even if they definitely aren't.

You do four workouts a week, which are pretty intense loads of weight training (200 lunges on leg day, I sh*t you not), combined with two mini HIIT workouts. They still only take about an hour MAX though.

On rest days, you have no carbs really, but you still have the snacks. The meals are also "Pick and Mix", so you have measurements for everything, but you make up your own meals rather than following a set meal plan. This involves a lot of adding up and creativity - I quickly worked out my go-to meals, and batch-cooked them on a Sunday for the week. Or, if I was away, I got up at 6am on a Monday and made five portions of spag bol. My colleagues regularly joked about my love of mince.

How I got on

I LOVED this Cycle, and after Cycle 1 being a damp squib, I decided to be way more committed. Part of this was fuelled by me joining the AMAZING unofficial Facebook group for the plan, filled with amazing fellow 'Leanies' doing the same thing, where you could laugh about gross meals or difficult leg days, or cheer on someone's amazing transformation.

I loved weight training, and the carbs also made eating out much easier if I couldn't bring in a meal. I also managed to drink less too which definitely helped my results. Again, I didn't go completely cold turkey, because I wasn't going to be a dick and cancel the fancy birthday dinner with my parents, or not toast my mate at his own wedding. I just made sure I did a HIIT workout in the morning if I had to eat or drink "off plan".

Also, gross out time: Bloating did occur where I looked like I was pregnant, and I had some weird-ass bowel movements on this cycle (guess I wasn't used to all the pasta, bagels and rice cakes. So many rice cakes). But any discomfort really did go away after some peppermint tea or on rest days.

Cycle 3

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (11)

After the carb joy of Cycle 2, Cycle 3 is where sh*t gets real. You go back to Cycle 1 principles, so you're only eating carbs after a workout. Then you're doing hardcore weight training coupled with 16 minute HIIT workouts, four times a week. This is where you're supposed to strip back more fat so all your hard-earned lean muscle is now on show, and where most people see their biggest change.

The workouts are brutal - but again, quite short, and you've built up to it for two months already, so it's not THAT bad (except leg day. And shoulder day. OK every day is hard).

How I got on:

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (13)

Me getting my head around weight lifting and HIIT

In Cycle 3, I began to actively miss the carb bloats. Because without sweet, sweet carbs, my insane workouts were knackering, and I became heavily reliant on my two coffees and a sugar-free fizzy drink to get through the day. But, after headaches in the first week, I didn't miss the carbs as much, and my sugar cravings had basically gone. Hangovers on Cycle 3 were actual hell, so I tried to drink as little as possible.

While I continued to love the weight-training, I definitely got a bit bored with the sheer amount of reps required - on leg day, I had to do 50 , 40, 30, 20, 10 squats, then 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 lunges. But on the plus side, I really felt improvements in this Cycle - by the final week, I had squatted my own body weight.

My Cycle 3 progress was, however, severely dented by a two week holiday to America to see my family, two weeks in, where I couldn't really stick to plan (and wanted to eat ALL the peanut butter). So I had to add on MORE weeks of Cycle 3 hell at the end to make up for it. But it also meant I got my fill of junk food, and felt absolutely crap and bloated after my holiday, so I came back wanting to stick to the plan and get it done with!

Results time:

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (15)

Once you're done, you submit your final pictures and measurements and um...that's it.

It's weird, but after three months of dedicating your life to something, you expect some sort of medal (sort it out, Joe), but instead, you get a friendly email and a 'graduation' report, which tells you what exercise you should do and what 'macros' (the amounts of fats, carbs, and protein) you need to eat if you want to lose more fat, gain muscle or maintain your shape.

So, did I transform into a lean winner? Did I end up with a six pack? Well, not quite. And that's probably down to those holidays and slip-ups off plan I had.

But comparing my photos over time, I realised I'd still lost body fat around my waist and hips (and boobs), and I'd toned up all over.

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (17)

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (19)

More importantly though, I'd never felt so confident about my body. I felt fit, strong, and healthy - and that's 100% more important to me now than a number on a scale.

My verdict on the SSS Plan:

Joe Wicks may be pretty good at marketing himself, but his plan definitely works. If you commit to the food and exercise, and don't drink, don't expect quick fixes and are prepared to work hard, you will get results.

I felt fit, strong, and healthy - and that's 100% more important to me now than a number on a scale.

The plan costs money, but it's cheaper than a personal trainer (although don't expect the same level of one-to-one contact and expertise!), and I saved money because I was planning my meals for the week rather than nipping into my local supermarket.

Having said that, there are a few annoying things about the plan - sometimes the instructions weren't clear enough (for example, it didn't mention on Cycle One I wasn't supposed to eat a breakfast smoothie more than twice a week). But a brand new version of the plan has now come out which looks like it's clearer and has even better recipes than the ones I had (I'm not angry, just jealous).

The meal prep and fitting in the workouts can be a huge ball ache and commitment - and seeing as I don't have a family or a job with insane or shift-like hours, I have a huge amount of respect for the people that manage to do the plan as well as all that.

Then there's the issues it can cause if you live with a partner or family who aren't doing the plan - I'm not going to lie, me and my (very supportive) husband had a few fights about having to eat 'on plan' all the time - including one time when he actually tried to force feed me Ben & Jerry's, while doing a Joe Wicks impression.

But I am in the best shape of my life, I feel amazing, toned, strong and have loads of energy and literally haven't got sick since starting the plan. While my transformation isn't going to end up in Joe's 'Hall of Fame' - I'll keep following the other hugely inspiring men and women who have totally changed their diet and lifestyle and got INCREDIBLE results.

And finally, the things I wish I'd known before I started:

- Get digital scales so you can be accurate with food measurements.

- Join the Unofficial Facebook group - it's run by a group of absolute babes in their spare time, it's a truly positive community and there are loads of good recipe hacks and tips on there.

- If you don't drink booze at all, and really commit to the food and workouts, you will have better results. There's no cheats, it's all down to you. And it's only 3 months. I was slack with the booze but you don't have to be.

- Buy Tupperware or cheap plastic takeaway boxes, and 'prep like a boss' when you can.

- Buy frozen spinach - it's easier and cheaper to eat mounds of than dry greenery.

- Ask your coach if you can have Quest Bars, or Carb Killas. They are occasional treats that make not having chocolate 100% easier.

- If you don't have a gym membership, that's fine. For Cycle 1, you don't need it. For 2 and 3, you can get weights from Argos for £30 to do at home.

- Don't expect miracles. Don't weigh yourself unless it's at the end of Cycles. Don't freak out if you put on weight - because your clothes are probably looser and you feel better.

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (21)

Lauren Smith

Head of Social

Lauren Smith is Cosmopolitan UK's Head of Social, and looks after the site's social media accounts, as well as occasionally covering fitness, health, lifestyle, and travel on the site. She lives in London, and likes fitness, porridge, peanut butter and her cat Theo.

'I did The Body Coach plan and here's how my body changed' (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.