Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (2024)

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  • by CFH Admin
  • June 23, 2022
  • 6 min read

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (1)

Growing more and more popular in the world offermented beveragesisJun tea. This probiotic beverage is packed with bacteria, yeasts, and organic acids; much like its sister beveragekombucha tea. Indeed, these two beverages share many attributes. Many call Jun simply a“Honey-Sweetened Green Tea Kombucha”.Others claim it is a unique strain of culture unto itself.

Download our Kombucha Guide with tips and tricks to show you how to make delicious Jun Tea with a Kombucha Scoby.

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  • The Mysterious Origins of Jun Tea
  • The Jun SCOBY
  • Jun Tea vs. Kombucha Tea
  • Converting a Kombucha SCOBY to Make Jun
  • How to Make Jun Tea


Unlike kombucha tea, whose roots seem to firmly point back to a source in Russia, Jun has a lot ofconflicting information in regards to its origin. Some claim it can be traced back to areas of Asia while others claim it is simply a branch from the kombucha tree. It seems clear that we probably cannot know for sure.

One historical argument for Jun having its own culture rather than being simply kombucha cultured in a different medium is thehistorical analysis of the tea and sugar source.This argument states that the modern refined sugar used in making kombucha would not have been easily or widely available in the earliest centuries. Likewise, black tea is a more processed (fermented) version of green tea.

We may be able to conclude from this that the concept of a Jun or Kombucha-type fermented tea made from readily available pre-industrialized ingredients such as fresh green tea and honey from a local hive were precursors to the kombucha tea we now know.

The very specific origins, however, have yet to be clearly presented.

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (2)


Just as the origins of the Jun beverage are shrouded in mystery, thedebate over the source of the Jun SCOBY is lively. In general, there are two camps.

The first line of thinking is thatJun has its own SCOBYwhich has never crossed paths with the kombucha culture. It originated in adifferent geographical regionand was passed down, in a medium ofraw honey and green tea, from generation to generation. This camp states thatJun cannot be made from a kombucha SCOBYand therefore one must seek out apure Jun SCOBY, which can be hard to find.

Another line of thinking is that Jun is abranch from the kombucha family tree. Essentially, akombucha SCOBYcan be "trained" over time to culture any sweetened tea medium. Jun, therefore, issimply a kombucha (or kombucha-like) SCOBY that has evolved to culture in a medium of raw honey and green tea.This camp allows for the purchasing of a “trained” Jun SCOBY or the purchasing and training of a kombucha SCOBY through the use of raw honey and green tea.

One other point of contention between the two camps is theexposure to air or the aerobic nature of the ferment.Like kombucha, Jun is generally cultured with exposure to air through a permeable surface. Jun purists point out that the interaction between what might be considered a “pure” culture and the surrounding air changes the microbial makeup of the Jun, most specifically the yeasts involved.

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (3)


These two fermented teas have much in common, which might explain why the two probiotic-rich beverages are often lumped together.


The ingredients used in making Jun and kombucha are one of the primary differences between the two. While kombucha generally utilizesblack teaandrefined sugaras its fermentation medium, Jun is cultured withgreen teaandraw honey.


The taste of the two fermented beverages reflects that disparity in ingredients. While very mature kombucha can have astrong vinegar noteto it, Jun tends to be a bitless acidic. Jun is generallylighterandfizzierin flavor, due both to its ingredients and its microorganisms.

Alcohol Content

The alcohol content of Jun isgenerally higher than kombucha. This may be due to the differences in the sugars used to culture the two beverages.

Whereas cane sugar contains 50% glucose and 50% fructose, honey only contains 30% glucose, less than 40% fructose, and about 20% of a mix of other sugars. This difference, in combination with the yeasts at play, produces a higher alcohol content.

Fermentation Time

The fermentation time ofkombucha is much longer than that of Jun. Jun tea often takes only half of the time to ferment as kombucha. The other factor in this is that Jun prefers to culture at acool room temperaturewhilekombucha prefers it 5-10 degrees warmer.

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (4)


As with all cultures, anychanging in feeding regimen must be done with the utmost care. Use anextra SCOBYfor this practice, saving others for backups which you will then feed with black tea and sugar as usual.

It is best toslowly introduce new ingredients to cultures. For that reason, it is recommended that youstart by replacing 20% of the sugar and black tea with honey and green tea, respectively. Once that is successful, increase these substitutions toone-third of the ingredients.

The next steps are to increase these substitution amounts toone-half,thentwo-thirds,thenthree-quarters,and then, finally, to100%. This slow approach should help your Kombucha SCOBY adapt to the new ingredients over time.

Each time you add more green tea and honey,check the health and vitality of the SCOBYand the fermented tea. If it is less than thriving,repeat that same level of green tea and honeyuntil the process goes off without a hitch.

Troubleshooting Tips for Jun

Keep in mind that changing the SCOBY's environment can sometimes haveunpredictable impactson the SCOBY. While the method above has been tried and tested, it is possible that it may not work witheverykombucha SCOBY (this unpredictability isn't uncommon when working with living ingredients.) Use abackup SCOBYandif it fails,don't be discouragedfrom giving it another try.


If you would like to try brewing Jun by converting akombucha SCOBYto feed on honey and green tea, the process is almost identical tobrewing kombucha, with only a few minor tweaks.


  • 2 green tea teabags or 2 teaspoons loose-leaf green tea
  • Scant 8 cups water
  • ½ cup raw honey
  • 1kombucha SCOBYconverted to honey and green tea (as noted above)
  • ½ cup Jun kombucha from a previous batch

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (5)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (6)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (7)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (8)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (9)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (10)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (11)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (12)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (13)

Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (14)


New to brewing your own Kombucha? No problem! Our starter kit gets you going in the rightdirectionof making and enjoying delicious Jun Tea Kombucha right at home! Included in the kit is our LIVE Jun Tea Kombucha Starter Culture, which allows you to start brewing Jun Tea right away. Also...

Instructions for Brewing Jun Tea

  1. Boilthe water and add the tea.
  2. Steepthe tea for3-5 minutes.The longer the tea steeps the stronger “green” flavor the final product will have.
  3. Remove teaand set aside tocool to room temperature.Stick-on thermometersare an easy way to check the temperature of your liquid.
  4. Once completely cooled,stirin the raw honey untilcompletely dissolved.
  5. Pourthis mixture into a½ galloncontainer andadd the SCOBYandpreviously cultured Jun kombucha.
  6. Coverthe container with a cloth, coffee filter, orbutter muslinsecured with a rubber band or canning ring.
  7. Allow to the culture at70-80 ° for 4-7 days, tasting for acidity starting at day four.
  8. Oncepleasantly sourandstill just a little sweet, your Jun kombucha is ready to drink!
  9. Save 1/2 cup of your Jun kombucha then repeat steps 1 through 8 to start a new batch.

Jun Tea Second Fermentation

For a second fermentation, decant the finished Jun intoairtight bottlesand add fruit or juice. Allow this to culture for1-3 days at room temperaturebefore refrigerating.

Jun is generallymore carbonated than kombuchaso just be extra careful to check for carbonation andavoid prolonged second fermentation periods when temperatures are warm.


Now that you know a little more about Jun tea you're nearly ready to make it at home. To help you make sure you have all the supplies you need at home, Cultures for Health is here to help you with all of your fermentation needs.

With the largest selection ofkombucha starters and tools, we have everything you need and more. Our best selling option is ourJun Tea Kombucha Starter Kitwhich has everything you need to start making kombucha at home. This starter kit includes:

  • 1 - Kombucha Tea Starter Culture (1 SCOBY)
  • 1 - Bag of Organic Cane Sugar (1 cup bag)
  • 1 - Bottle of Organic Distilled White Vinegar (8 fl. oz. bottle)
  • 1 - Bag of Organic Black Tea Bags (8 tea bags)
  • 1 - Stick-On Thermometer
  • 1 - Butter Muslin Jar Cover (1 square yard)
  • 1 - Vial of pH strips (vial of 25 strips)

Click here to start making your own kombucha at home today!

Download our free Kombucha guide and recipe today to start your Jun Tea brewing journey!


At Cultures for Health, we believe that anyone--on any diet and at any skill level--can make and enjoy the benefits of traditional fermented foods. Through our product offering, recipes, tutorials, and how-to videos, we'll give you the tools you need to nourish your family and live healthily.

You Can Do This.

Find everything you need to get started with one of ourDIY Kitsand our Fermentation Kits.


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Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health (2024)


Jun Tea | How To Brew Jun With a Kombucha Scoby - Cultures For Health? ›

No Need For A Jun-Specific Culture

Just use a SCOBY from your kombucha and brew away! A few notes: *This will produce a very light SCOBY as the ingredients you will be using are light in color and this is normal. It is said to produce better at cooler temperatures, although I haven't found this to be the case.

Can I use kombucha SCOBY to make Jun tea? ›

No Need For A Jun-Specific Culture

Just use a SCOBY from your kombucha and brew away! A few notes: *This will produce a very light SCOBY as the ingredients you will be using are light in color and this is normal. It is said to produce better at cooler temperatures, although I haven't found this to be the case.

Is Jun healthier than kombucha? ›

3. It's Made With Healthier Ingredients. The next reason we like to drink jun kombucha as opposed to regular kombucha is that jun kombucha is made using green tea and honey rather than black tea and cane sugar. Green tea is well-known for its health benefits, and honey is a natural sugar with good-for-you nutrients.

What are the benefits of drinking Jun? ›

Jun also contains organic acids which aid in detoxing the body, including the liver. Jun has been shown to help with stomach discomfort and bloating, and can be used as a digestive aid with meals to help break down food.

What is the difference between kombucha SCOBY and Jun SCOBY? ›

Both beverages involve fermentation by way of a SCOBY. The microbial species present in jun SCOBYs are different from those in kombucha SCOBYs, as they are specialized in consuming the different types of sugars that are in honey compared to cane sugar.

How many times can you reuse SCOBY for kombucha? ›

The beauty of it is that it can be reused endlessly! Once you've finished fermenting your kombucha, simply recuperate the scoby and store it to start a new kombucha recipe. The easiest way to store a kombucha scoby is to start a new fermentation just after bottling.

Is it okay to drink the SCOBY in kombucha? ›

These bits are small amounts of the SCOBY, and they indicate that your kombucha is alive with active cultures. It's perfectly safe to drink and is one of the unique characteristics of kombucha.

Why can't you drink kombucha everyday? ›

Overconsumption can lead to headache, nausea, gastrointestinal distress, or ketoacidosis.

How much caffeine is in jun kombucha? ›

As mentioned previously, the average kombucha contains about 15 mg of caffeine per serving. Some a bit less, some a bit more—for example, JuneShine contains 20 mg of caffeine per 12oz serving.

What kind of honey is best for jun tea? ›

We recommend using organic raw honey which tastes amazing. Experiment with different types of honey to find what tastes best for your Jun Tea. BREWING YOUR TEA: For 1 litre Jun Tea Scoby: Add 900ml of non-chlorinated water to your saucepan.

How much alcohol is in jun tea? ›

The alcohol content can get a little higher of around 2%, though, just like traditional kombucha will vary from brew to brew.

Is jun a probiotic? ›

What is Jun? It's basically fermented green tea that is brimming with probiotics.

What tea to use for jun? ›

Green tea is often used to prepare jun. It gives a sweet jun and allows room for honey and fermentation flavours. However, any type of tea can be used: black tea, green tea, oolong tea, etc.

Can you use kombucha SCOBY for jun tea? ›

Wondering how jun kombucha is made? Well, it's simple. It's just like making classic kombucha, but instead of black tea and sugar, you will use honey, green tea, and a jun kombucha SCOBY.

Is Jun as good as kombucha? ›

Both Jun and Kombucha offer a delicious dose of probiotics in addition to an energy-boost from the tea base and natural, sparkly effervescence. Both fermented teas have similar health benefits and mystical origins, they are each unique in their own right.

How do you know if I killed my SCOBY? ›

How Do I Know If My Kombucha Scoby Is Dead? The only way to know if your kombucha scoby is dead is to test it in a new kombucha batch and wait a few weeks. If your sweet tea has not become acidic after 15 days, then you can definitely conclude that your kombucha scoby has died.

Can you put SCOBY in hot tea? ›

A: It is VERY important that you wait until the tea has reached room temperature before adding your Scoby. If you put a Scoby into hot tea, you will KILL the living organisms.

Does SCOBY ferment tea? ›

Kombucha is produced by adding a SCOBY into sweetened black or green tea, then letting it ferment for 1–4 weeks. The bacteria and yeast in the SCOBY break down the tea's sugars and convert them into alcohol, carbon dioxide and acids (3). The result is a fizzy product with a tangy, sweet and vinegar-like taste.

How do you take care of jun SCOBY? ›

Care for Your Jun SCOBY

I recommend a SCOBY hotel — that is, keep excess SCOBYs in a jar, covered in plenty of Jun brewed from previous batches. Cover the jar with a tightly woven cloth cover. You won't need to feed the hotel or do much at all; just rotate the backup SCOBYs into your weekly brews to keep them happy.

Can you use old kombucha SCOBY? ›

Spare SCOBYs are great for trying batches with flavored teas in first fermentation (or break other rules of kombucha!) because if something goes wrong with a batch, you won't feel bad about wasting a SCOBY because you can always just toss it!

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