Scone Etiquette - Aimee Provence High Tea High tea Parlour (2024)

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Scone Etiquette

Is there a legitimate method to eat a scone at High tea? Why yes, most certainly there is. Find behaviour rules and tips, including well-ordered directions on the best way to eat a scone, the right way.

What is a Scone?

A scone is a small flour-based shortcake-like baked good. They’re usually plain, crumbly, pillow-like, dense, and lightly sweetened. The traditional English scones served with our High teas are round, not triangular, and they’re served with jam and clotted cream.


If you’re indulging at one of our High Teas, on the table ought to be small serving condiments loaded with clotted cream, jams and strawberries.

These little pots are for the table, so no plunging your knife into them. Rather, utilize the spoons provided (normally sitting appropriately by the little bowls) to scoop out little dollops onto your plate.

Place the spoons back as they don’t have a place on your plate. Make an effort not to cross-contaminate and utilize an alternate spoon for every condiment.

Don’t hesitate to go in for a second serving of jam and cream on the off chance that you’ve completed what’s on your plate, utilize an alternate spoon for every topping.

Scone Etiquette - Aimee Provence High Tea High tea Parlour (1)

You’ve now got your jam and cream on your plate. Time to eat the scone.

The best technique is to break and separated the scone into two pieces utilising your hands. I like to break it down the middle vertically and then break that into half so you’re eating a fourth of the scone at once.

Ok, now you can utilise your knife to slather on the jam and cream to your little bite-sized parts of the scone. (Don’t pre-break the scones just yet, take off pieces as you go and spread the jam and cream on each piece.)

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The Basics of Eating a Scone Properly

  1. Scoop out clotted cream and jams onto your plate, enough for one scone.
  2. Break apart a small bite-sized portion of scone with your hands or if using a knife, cut the scone horizontally.
  3. Use a knife to slather on cream and jam onto the broken-off piece of scone.
  4. The bite-sized piece of scone should be eaten in 1-2 bites.

The controversial Cornish & Devonshire Cream Tea

Cream tea has been served in the UK since the eleventh century and contentions encompassing the request of spreading the scone’s conventional toppings have ruminated from that point forward.

While those in Devon normally spread the cream on first followed by jam, the Cornish custom is to spread jam initially followed by cream.

For Devonshire cream teas:

  • Cream is like the butter, you wouldn’t put butter on jam.
  • It originates from when jam was expensive so you’d just have a bit to put on top.
  • You can get more cream on if you load it first!
  • It stops you getting cream on your nose. 🙂 (jam on cream lays flatter???).
  • If you’re sharing a cream tea with a Cornishman (although unlikely!) you get first dibs on the cream.

For Cornish cream teas:

  • It’s easier to spread.
  • You can taste the cream better on top!
  • You wouldn’t put cream on the bottom of a fruit salad.

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How do you eat yours?

It’s all a matter of preference and what you are used to – the choice is yours.. But more importantly, they’re a simple treat that is comforting in its familiarity. ~Aimee

Scone Etiquette - Aimee Provence High Tea High tea Parlour (2024)
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