Tattie Scones (2024)

HomeRecipeScottishTattie Scones

Published by Amy


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Traditional Scottish recipe for potato scones, or as they’re better known as in Scotland, tattie scones.

Originally published in November 2021. Updated in May 2023.

Tattie Scones (1)

Let me be honest here. This is a recipe I have made time and time again, with the intention of sharing it here on Baking with Granny. But every time I make some Tattie Scones I face the same issue… I eat them all before I get a chance to photograph them!

Let me be honest again. The only reason these ones actually got photographed was because Granny was present and apparently has more self control than me!

And for those readers who aren’t fluent in Scottish dialect and have never heard of a Tattie Scone, let me explain…

The word “tattie”, translated to English is “potato”, so you might hear these also being called Potato Scones. These are a type of gridle scone that is made using potatoes (aka. tatties) and are generally served alongside sausages, bacon, eggs, black pudding and tomatoes, as part of cooked breakfast (aka. a “fry-up”).

You might also hear them called Tottie Scones, but that’s more down to regional dialect and pronunciation, and it means the same.

Tattie Scones (2)

You will find them in any Scottish supermarket, in the bread aisle, usually a half-circle shape but sometimes in little individual circles too. The shop-bought ones are what we all know and love. Dense, potato-y, with a bit of a chew to them; ready to be fried in the pan, alongside your other breakfast items, soaking up their flavours too. There are some folk who enjoy a Tattie Scone in a morning roll with their meat/eggs and sauce but who am I to judge?!

However once you make a batch of these fresh and from scratch, you’ll enter a whole new world of Tattie Scone enjoyment – hot from the pan, smothered in butter… No fry-up even necessary to enjoy them! That’s because home made is most definitely the best when it comes to a Tattie Scone.

Oh, and did I mention they are super easy to make?

Tattie Scones (3)

What are Tattie Scones?

Despite being called Tattie Scones, they aren’t really a scone. Or, at least, not the familiar sense that we all know and love. Tattie Scones are in fact a savoury snack, made with potatoes, some flour and butter. They are fried until golden and usually served as part of a breakfast. Traditionally they would be made with leftovers potatoes. The don’t have a particularly strong taste to them, meaning they can be enjoyed alongside a variety of options.

How do you make Tattie Scones?

Tattie Scones are incredibly easy to make. With only a handful of ingredients, the most difficult part is mashing the potatoes! Once you’ve got your potatoes mashed, you simply mix them with a bit of flour and butter (or margarine). And that’s your tattie scone dough, ready to go. It’s then a case of rolling & shaping them, before frying to finish.

Tattie Scones (4)


For the perfect Tattie Scones you need a good floury potato – waxy potatoes have no place in this recipe. You can of course use left over mashed potato too, just be sure to adjust your seasoning if you have already seasoned your mash potatoes.

Self-raising Flour
When it comes to flour, plain will suffice if it’s all you have but self-raising is preferable, as it will give your potato scones a little left as they cook. We’re not looking for cake-like Tattie Scones, just a little rise as the heat goes through them, otherwise they may be a little dense in terms of texture.
And be prepared with a little extra flour close to hand. Much like when it comes to making Macaroons, every potato is different, so the water content from one bag of potatoes to the next can vary; so sometimes a little more/less flour is required.

Butter or Margarine
It’s personal preference but I opt for margarine as to omit any dairy from this recipe. Again, just watch your seasoning if you are using a butter/margarine that is salted.

(Optional) Cheese
Not the most traditional but so, so tasty! Once you add some finely grated cheese to your tattie scones, you won’t go back. Cheese tattie scones, with a generous helping of butter, equals top tier snacking!

Granny's Top Tips

• Make sure you have plenty of extra flour to hand when it comes to rolling and shaping your potato scones. As the potatoes hold a good amount of water, the dough can very quickly become sticky and difficult to work with. So plenty of flour on your work surface, hands and rolling pin!

• You can transfer the dough in a circle to your frying pan and cut onto triangles once cooking; however, I find it much easier to cut your triangles before frying. One, it makes transferring to the pan easier. And two, it means your get nice crisp edges when they do cook.

• Alternatively, you can cut your tatty scones into whatever shape your desire. Another popular choice is to use a cookie cutter and have them in individual circles.

• Roll out your potato scones one circle at a time. If you roll all 3 circles at once, they will stick to your work surface. Only roll and shape your next potato scones right before you are ready too trannsfer them to the frying pan.

Tattie Scones (6)

Tattie Scones (7)

Tattie Scones

Traditional Scottish recipe for potato scones, or as they are often known, "tattie scones".

5 from 28 votes


Course: Breakfast, Side Dish, Snack

Cuisine: British, Scottish

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Servings: 12 scones



  • Peel your potatoes and cut into even sized halves/quarters. Place in a pan with enough cold water to cover and bring to the boil. Boil gently for 15 to 20 minutes or until potatoes break apart easily when pierced with fork.

  • Remove the pan from the heat and drain the water. Allow your potatoes to air dry for a few minutes before mashing them with a potato masher. Add the butter/margarine and mash through the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

  • Transfer the potatoes to a large bowl. Add the flour to the bowl and using a wooden spoon, mix the flour through to potatoes to create a dough. You may need more/less flour depending on how moist your potatoes are.

  • Once you have a dough-like consistency, tip your potato mixture onto a well floured surface and gently knead it briefly, before dividing the dough into 3 even sized balls.

  • Warm a non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat (with no oil/butter). Roll your first ball into a circle about 20cm diameter and 5mm thickness, using lots of flour on your surface and rolling pin so they don't stick. Cut your circle into quarters, making 4 even-sized triangles. Using a spatula, transfer the potato tringles to your hot [dry] frying pan.

  • Allow the potato scones to cook, checking the underside every few minutes. Once the underside has a good colour to it, flip the potato scones to cook the other side too.

  • Once our potato scones have a good colour on both side, remove from the heat and place on a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with your remaining potato balls.

  • Enjoy warm with a slathering of butter, alongside your cooked breakfast, or in a roll with some sausages/bacon and sauce!

Tried this recipe?Tag @bakingwithgranny or use the hashtag #bakingwithgranny!

Free-from & Vegan

Gluten-free: You can make these gluten-free Tattie Scones by swapping out the flour for a gluten-free flour but some experimenting will be required in regards to quantities, as different flours will absorb the moisture from the potatoes in different ways.

Vegan: To make these vegan Tattie Scones just use a dairy-free/vegan margarine.

Tattie Scones (8)

Tattie Scones (9)

Tattie Scones (10)

Tattie Scones (11)

Tattie Scones (12)

48 Responses

  1. Absolutely love these. Can’t buy them here in London. Going to try this recipe very soon. Thanks!


    1. Tattie Scones (13)
      Alot of supermarkets sell potato cakes, which we have with breakfast. I don’t know if they are the same though! Not with cheese though.


  2. Been making these potato cakes as we call them for years. Delicious


    1. Tattie Scones (15)
      Me too! And – I have cold mashed potato in the fridge right now…


      1. Ha ha, can see what you’re thinking, and I like it! Good job I haven’t any in the fridge or I’d be there doing the same


  3. Tattie Scones (16)
    Gotta love potato bread, it makes an Ulster Fry, look forward to mine on a Saturday morning. Can’t wait to try this recipe with a wee bit of the cheese. I also love champ potato bread, as we say in Belfast, “you couldn’t beat it with a big stick”


  4. Tattie Scones (17)
    Excellent. I personally like them at about 3mm thick.
    Best in a bacon, Haggis and tattie scone bap with genuine Scottish baps. (English Tesco stores do a canny bap )


  5. Tattie Scones (18)
    would love the recipe for your potatoe bread Jayne thanks


  6. Tattie Scones (19)
    i make them all the time love the recipe so thank you


  7. Tattie Scones (20)
    Love ❤ them big time x0.


  8. Tattie Scones (21)
    All really nice any time of day and very easy for fishing trip or camping try cooking them in pork dripping just a nother level many thanks.


  9. Tattie Scones (22)
    These are ❤ Would love to make them from leftover mash as I ALWAYS over do and have fridge leftovers which 9 times out of 10 ends up in the bin after sitting in the fridge forgotten after a week or so
    Could you please advise on flour quantity/ratio as I never get it right


    1. Funny you asked that
      I just did the math to figure that very thing…500 to 125
      is 25%
      So 1/4 cup flour for every full cup of potato


  10. Tattie Scones (23)
    Please tell me what to look for as a floury potato. All I ever see are waxy ones. In Edinburgh, when Iwas wee, floury potatoes were easily obtained. We called anything bakked on a hot metal plate a girdle scone. You can, of course bake normal scones this way as well..Baking without an oven must have originated in the early iron age after using hot stones.from the discovery of flour.


  11. Tattie Scones (24)
    Just perfect and exactly what I was looking for to rustle something up :-)


  12. Tattie Scones (25)
    Oh my goodness this is out new favourite! My son asked me to put tomatoes in his, with the cheese and said it was better than pizza.
    Thank you so much for sharing this….you’re right the cheese ……mmmmmm


  13. LOVE THESE, mu Irish Granny used to make these for us and they definitely were delicious.


  14. We had them when l was growing up, they were rolled out and filled with leftover roast beef which had been minced up with onion and sealed and then fried in a pan with little dripping ( l made them and friend with oil) loved them. I hadn’t thought about them till l saw your recipe for Tattie Scones


  15. Tattie Scones (26)
    Hi to you all, my grandmother used to make these for us as children. That’s over seventy years ago. An absolute favourite then and now. Just love them!!! Yum yum !


  16. These are potato bread made in Ireland for over 100years someone said they are tatty bread


  17. The first time l tasted these l thought l’d died and gone to heaven. Served with bacon, egg, black pudding and tomatoes, sheer bliss even if it looks like a heart attack on a plate.


  18. Tattie Scones (27)
    These are amazing and so easy to make!


  19. I’ve always loved these in an Ulster fry since I was wee. My dad used to sprinkle his with sugar, and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since, as well as on my fried pancakes. You’d be surprised how yummy sugar makes them.


  20. Oh my…this is right up my alley. Thank you from Canada. Someone was asking about starchy potatoes and we use Russets in my part of the country. You are so kind for sharing your recipes, can’t wait to try these in the a.m.


    1. I’ve been making then for family for over a year, they can’t get enough, thank you


  21. Can these be frozen once cooled?


    1. I froze a batch and they were fine….


    2. My family are from Belfast and we always called it a potato farl, I’ve never heard fadge before , is that from the Belfast area or Edinburgh?


      1. Tattie Scones (28)
        Fadge you will hear around Portglenone area a lot, most likely and Ulster-Scot word. Potato Farl is bang on though.


    3. Tattie Scones (29)
      I buy them from a local British bakery ,, they come frozen. I just untoward and cook in butter ,, watch as they will burn fast you just need to reheat


  22. Tattie Scones (30)
    I made this gluten free by swapping to Asda gluten free self raiding flour and adding a 1/4 tsp of baking powder. Same quantities and came out great. I added some grated cheese. My daughter and I ate them with butter and some slices of cheese (red Leicester) on top as a brunch- very yummy


  23. I love this and all your recipes. Keep up the good work


  24. Amazing! xXx


  25. Tattie Scones (31)
    In Scotland these scones are known as “Tattie Scones” often served at supper time, warm, and oozing with butter or margarine. Made from left over main meal potatoes, usually cooked on a cast iron girdle often over the coal fire.
    Any mixture not used at supper was fried in a frying pan for breakfast and served with bacon.
    “Waste not want not” was the saying that accompanied the breakfast Tattie Scones, Delicious at any time..


  26. I had tattie scones at my cousins she lived in Corby,very big Scottish community,we also had treacle scones that looked very similar.they were gorgeous


  27. Tattie Scones (32)
    I’m in New Zealand and my nana taught me to make these out of leftover cold mashed potatoes. We usually have them with sausages and tomato sauce, tho I noticed you don’t put baking powder in yours, possibly a different “dialect” as well :) I usually add 1 heaped teaspoon with the flour, and mine look to be about twice the thickness.
    Absolutely loving all your good old basic baking recipes, thank you so much for sharing them.


  28. Tattie Scones (33)
    Delicious! I didn’t strictly stick to the recipe but it was the perfect inspiration and base recipe to a quick filling breakfast because I knew traditional flapjacks wasn’t going to cut it if we wanted something satiating. The last of the low fat milk was just starting to sour, so I decided to use it and make quick mash with the potato flakes I had on hand. We’re out of butter so I just used sunflower oil. I added fine dried garlic, a herby spice blend, and salt. We had it on its own and didn’t even add a topping. Soooo goood! I’ll definitely make this again!


  29. Tattie Scones (34)
    This is a great recipe for tattie bread (as we used to call them in Belfast or potator farls if you were my posh granny)…couldn’t make an Ulster Fry without them!
    I’ve been using your recipe for a while now to use up left-over mash and as long as you remember it’s 4 x parts mash to 1 x part flour you won’t go far wrong .. it’s the perfect ratio.
    Never need to waste mash again (and sometimes, I accidently on purpose make too much to ensure there’s some left over ;) )
    Thanks Amy!


  30. Tattie Scones (35)
    My Great-grandmother came from Scotland to the US before WWII and made these for us as kids. Once cooked, she put them under a towel to keep warm and soft. Without the towel they dry out into saltines. (My experience) We would top them with maple syrup or jellys or sugar and cinnamon then roll them up to eat. Good memories.


  31. Tattie Scones (36)
    My grannie, used makes then, but following a broken hip she bought them from the local bakery. That was until they started to charge 4pence per scone so went back to baking them herself. She used to make a big batch, so there was enough for her and my aunt who stayed with her, my other aunt and family as well as my family. She was known to many across the world as friends of my cousins in Australia were told if your in Glasgow go and see Granny Livi, as well as some nurses who looked after her whilst she was in hospital. Granny’s recipes were always the best.


  32. Just about to make these, the bakers in Dunbar used to make them on a Saturday they were the best!


  33. Tattie Scones (37)
    Absolutely delicious, topped with bacon, haggis and left over whisky sauce, one night; the following night enjoyed with bacon, egg and mushrooms. Just one question – can you freeze them?


  34. Tattie Scones (38)
    Loved everything you said and everything the commenters said about Tattie Scones. I always make my own as I am a Coeliac and gluten-free Tatties scones seldom appear in shop. I make a load and freeze them so there’s always some for breakfast.


  35. Tattie Scones (39)
    Another winner. Not often I have mashed potato leftover but not I’ve found this……….!


  36. Tattie Scones (40)
    Have always loved the bought variety. Now we live in France and can’t buy them – but if I’d known how easy and how incredibly delicious homemade ones were – thank you so much. Very happy lady


  37. These are great I used instant managed potato as a cheat and fried in beef dripping
    Hand on my heart it’s the best tattie scone ever


  38. My Scottish Mum (Ayr) used to make these on a Sunday afternoon for Dad and us 3 boys, with Butter and Strawberry Jam . She had a cast iron griddle plate to cook them on.
    I make them myself now and I’m older than my Mum was back then.
    I use an electric Pancake Griddle Plate, works just as good.


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Tattie Scones (2024)


What does Tattie scones mean? ›

A tattie scone (tottie scone) or potato scone is a regional variant of the savoury griddle scone which is especially popular in Scotland. Many variations of the recipe exist. They generally include liberal quantities of boiled potatoes, butter and salt.

Can you put Tattie scones in the toaster? ›

Fry in a hot pan for a few minutes each side or untill crispy, alternatively cook in toaster or oven.

How do you pronounce Tattie scones? ›

  1. (Received Pronunciation) IPA: /ˌtæti ˈskɔːn/
  2. (General American) IPA: /ˌtæti ˈskoʊn/
  3. (Scotland) IPA: /ˌtɑ(ː)te ˈskɔn/
  4. Rhymes: -ɔːn.
  5. Hyphenation: tat‧tie scone.

What is the trick in making good scones? ›

Top tricks I learnt from the experts for baking perfect scones:
  1. Resist the twist.
  2. Use frozen butter.
  3. Don't overwork the dough.
  4. Freeze the dough. ...
  5. Create rise and shine.
  6. Follow this recipe.
  7. Reduce the juice.
  8. Fresh is best.
May 10, 2024

What is Tatties slang for? ›

a Scot or dialect word for potato. Collins English Dictionary.

What are Tattie scones called in England? ›

It seems the Irish call them Potato bread, the English call them potato cakes (Lancashire), Scottish call them potato scones (tottie scones).

What do you eat with Tattie scones? ›

tatties) and are generally served alongside sausages, bacon, eggs, black pudding and tomatoes, as part of cooked breakfast (aka. a “fry-up”). You might also hear them called Tottie Scones, but that's more down to regional dialect and pronunciation, and it means the same.

Can you eat Tattie scones cold? ›

Serve warm or cold. (*) This is the weight after cooking. Be sure to use floury potatoes if you can. Waxy potatoes make the tattie scones heavier and the dough is impossibly sticky.

Are scones Irish or Scottish? ›

Scones are traditionally Irish, Scottish, and English foods. However, nobody knows which of these countries invented the baked food. As far as history can trace back, Scones probably originate from Scotland. Yes, the first print reference dates back to 1513 and is from a Scottish poet.

What does Tattie mean in British? ›

tat·​tie ˈta-tē Scotland. : potato.

Which flour is best for scones? ›

Use all-purpose flour for a higher rising scone that holds its shape nicely, both in and out of the oven. To make more delicate, lower-rising, cake-like scones, substitute cake flour for all-purpose flour.

What not to do when making scones? ›

Just a reminder: Don't overwork the dough or the scones will turn out rubbery – or worse, bullety and hard. Cut out your scones cleanly. Twisting the cutter can impair the rise. If you use a fluted cutter, you can't twist it.

What happens if you put too much sugar in scones? ›

We are all a little tempted to add that extra splash of sweetness into our scones, but make sure you don't use too much sugar as it will flatten them! We recommend using a maximum of 100g of sugar per 250g of flour.

Why do Scottish people call potatoes Tatties? ›

The tradition continued into the 1980s, when the advent of new farm machinery such as potato harvesters made hand picking potatoes obsolete. The word "tattie" comes from the Scots word for potato.

How do you eat Tattie scones? ›

Once our potato scones have a good colour on both side, remove from the heat and place on a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with your remaining potato balls. Enjoy warm with a slathering of butter, alongside your cooked breakfast, or in a roll with some sausages/bacon and sauce!

What do British people call potato cakes? ›

Bubble and Squeak (or Potato Cakes) is a British classic, and an easy and flexible recipe. You can make it from scratch OR use up leftover veggies. Flavorful, colorful, fluffy, creamy and so so good. Perfect as a breakfast or brunch recipe!

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