The Best Way to Reheat Leftover Mac & Cheese Without Drying It Out (2024)

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Christine Gallary

Christine GallaryFood Editor-at-Large

Christine graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France, and she has worked at Cook's Illustrated and She lives in San Francisco and loves teaching cooking classes. Follow her latest culinary escapades on Instagram.


published Nov 22, 2023

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The Best Way to Reheat Leftover Mac & Cheese Without Drying It Out (1)

Everything you need to know about reheating mac and cheese in the microwave, on the stovetop, or in the oven.

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Having some leftover mac and cheese in the refrigerator is never a bad thing. Cheesy, comforting, noodle-y goodness is just waiting for you to enjoy it again. But what’s the best way to reheat it? As the mac and cheese sits in the fridge, it can lose some of its creaminess, and you have to be careful that you don’t overheat the sauce, which will cause it to separate and leave behind an oily, grainy texture. Here are three ways you can reheat mac and cheese to get it as close to its original state as possible.

Quick Overview

How to Reheat Mac and Cheese

There are three ways that you can reheat mac and cheese. For an individual serving or small amounts, use the microwave or stovetop. For larger amounts of frozen mac and cheese, use the oven or toaster oven. For all methods, to keep the mac and cheese from drying out, stir 1 tablespoon milk into each 1 cup mac and cheese before reheating.

Before you reheat mac and cheese, you want to make sure it’s stored properly. Store leftovers in an airtight container to keep it from drying out or absorbing other smells in the refrigerator. If you have a big batch you don’t think you’ll eat up quickly, stash some of it in the freezer for longer-term storage.

When you’re ready to reheat mac and cheese, there are two general rules of thumb that apply to all the reheating methods.

  1. Reheat it the way you initially cooked it. If you cooked it on the stovetop, use it for reheating. For oven-baked mac and cheese, put it back in the oven.
  2. Add some milk. Add some moisture into the mac and cheese to get some of the sauciness back. Use 1 tablespoon milk for every 1 cup mac and cheese.

Method 1: Microwave

The microwave is best for reheating single or small servings of mac and cheese.

  • Stir the milk into the mac and cheese, then spread it out in an even layer in a shallow, microwave-safe bowl. A flatter, thinner layer is better when microwaving leftovers.
  • Cover with a microwave-safe plate or damp paper towel and microwave on 50% power for 1 minute. Stir and continue to microwave in 30-second increments, stirring after each, until warmed through.
  • Stir in a little bit of butter and shredded cheese if you want to get a little more creaminess.

Method 2: Stovetop

I personally find the best to reheat mac and cheese is to do it on the stovetop. Reheating on the stovetop is best for one to a few servings.

  • Break up any big clumps of mac and cheese and place in a saucepan. Stir in the milk.
  • Cook over medium or medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until warmed through. (You can keep it covered for the first few minutes if you have a few servings in the saucepan to get it warmer faster.)
  • Stir in a little bit of butter and shredded cheese if you want to get a little more creaminess.

Method 3: Oven or Toaster Oven

The oven or toaster oven is best for reheating large batches of mac and cheese or the baked versions with a crispy topping.

  • If your mac and cheese doesn’t have a crispy topping, place it in a baking dish, break up any clumps, and stir in the milk. If your mac and cheese has a crispy topping, place it directly in the baking dish and just drizzle the milk down the sides of the baking dish. (Although if you can reserve the crispy topping separately, that would be even better!)
  • Cover the baking dish with an oven-safe lid or aluminum foil.
  • Bake in a 350ºF oven or toaster oven until warmed through, checking after 20 minutes. If you want a crispy top, uncover (sprinkle with crispy topping if reserved separately), and bake for 10 minutes more.
  • Stir in a little bit of butter and shredded cheese if you want to get a little more creaminess.

How to Reheat Frozen Mac and Cheese

If you have frozen mac and cheese, you can thaw it in the refrigerator and then use any of the three methods above for reheating. If you don’t have time to thaw, you can reheat it from frozen in the oven or toaster oven instead.

  • Transfer the mac and cheese to a baking dish and drizzle the milk down the sides of the baking dish. Cover with an oven-safe lid or aluminum foil.
  • Bake in a 350ºF oven or toaster oven until warmed through, checking after 40 minutes. If you want a crispy top, uncover (sprinkle with crispy topping if reserved separately or some more cheese if you want), and bake for 10 minutes more.
  • Stir in a little bit of butter and shredded cheese if you want to get a little more creaminess.

No matter which method you choose to use, as long as you don’t overheat the mac and cheese, you can be enjoying cheesy goodness that’s pretty darn close to what it tasted like when it was freshly made.


How to Reheat Mac and Cheese Recipe

Everything you need to know about reheating mac and cheese in the microwave, on the stovetop, or in the oven.

Nutritional Info


  • Prepared mac and cheese

  • 1 tablespoon

    milk for every 1 cup mac and cheese

  • 1 tablespoon

    shredded cheese for every 1 cup mac and cheese (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon

    butter for every 1 cup mac and cheese (optional)


Option 1: Microwave

  1. Stir the milk into the mac and cheese, then spread it out in an even layer in a shallow, microwave-safe bowl. A flatter, thinner layer is better when microwaving leftovers.

  2. Cover with a microwave-safe plate or damp paper towel and microwave on 50% power for 1 minute. Stir and continue to microwave in 30-second increments, stirring after each, until warmed through.

  3. Stir in shredded cheese and butter if you want to get a little more creaminess.

Option 2: Stovetop

  1. Break up any big clumps of mac and cheese and place in a saucepan. Stir in the milk.

  2. Cook over medium or medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until warmed through. (You can keep it covered for the first few minutes if you have a few servings in the saucepan.)

  3. Stir in shredded cheese and butter if you want to get a little more creaminess.

Option 3: Oven or Toaster Oven

  1. If your mac and cheese doesn’t have a crispy topping, place it in a baking dish, break up any clumps, and stir then milk into the mac and cheese. If your mac and cheese has a crispy topping, place it directly in the baking dish and just drizzle the milk down the sides of the baking dish. (Although if you can reserve the crispy topping separately, that would be even better!)

  2. Cover the baking dish with an oven-safe lid or aluminum foil.

  3. Bake in a 350ºF oven or toaster oven until warmed through, checking after 20 minutes (or 40 minutes if frozen). If you want a crispy top, uncover, (sprinkle with crispy topping if reserved separately or shredded cheese if you want), and bake for 10 minutes more. Stir in shredded cheese and butter if you want to get a little more creaminess.

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Side Dish



The Best Way to Reheat Leftover Mac & Cheese Without Drying It Out (2024)


The Best Way to Reheat Leftover Mac & Cheese Without Drying It Out? ›

Reheat in the Microwave

This is particularly convenient since it allows you to reheat right in the container. Add one tablespoon of milk per cup of macaroni and cheese. Reheat at 50 percent power, stirring every minute or so.

How to reheat macaroni and cheese without drying it out? ›

Reheat in the Microwave

This is particularly convenient since it allows you to reheat right in the container. Add one tablespoon of milk per cup of macaroni and cheese. Reheat at 50 percent power, stirring every minute or so.

How do you heat up mac and cheese to make it creamy again? ›

The #1 secret to creamy reheated mac and cheese

"Stir in about 2 Tbs. of milk per 1 cup of mac and cheese and reheat," he says. The milk loosens up the pasta and helps create the creamy sauce as it's reheating. Heavy cream works well in this case too and adds an extra touch of richness to the mac and cheese.

Should I add milk when reheating mac and cheese? ›

If you cooked it on the stovetop, use it for reheating. For oven-baked mac and cheese, put it back in the oven. Add some milk. Add some moisture into the mac and cheese to get some of the sauciness back.

How to stop macaroni cheese from drying out? ›

Add more cheese

That final layer of cheese on top isn't just for looks; it also helps keep the saucy noodles underneath from drying out during baking. Breadcrumbs also help insulate the noodles, acting as a protective layer while baking that also happens to add a nice little crunch.

How do you make leftover mac and cheese good again? ›

Here's what to do for the best results:
  1. Put a portion of the mac and cheese on a microwave-safe dish or plate.
  2. Add a tablespoon of milk per cup of mac and cheese and mix well.
  3. Reheat the mac and cheese for 15 seconds at a time, making sure to stir it well.
Jan 12, 2024

What temperature does a pan of macaroni and cheese need to reach when being reheated for hot holding? ›

Food made in a food processing plant, opened in the food establishment, and reheated for hot holding must reach a temperature of 135°F. Reheat food rapidly, within two hours. Food that has been cooked and cooled properly may be served at any temperature if it is going to be served immediately.

How do you keep mac and cheese from getting mushy? ›

For baked mac and cheese, I'll generally cook the pasta for about five minutes in boiling, salted water, before I mix in the cheese sauce and bake. It will absorb all that creamy goodness and fully cook in the oven. It will never be al dente, but it definitely should not be mushy, either.

Can you eat mac and cheese left out overnight? ›

It is generally not recommended to eat macaroni and cheese that has been left out overnight, even with the air conditioning on. The concern is primarily related to the potential growth of harmful bacteria, particularly due to the presence of milk in the recipe.

How to stop mac and cheese from congealing? ›

Cheese sauce can be kept from congealing by applying enough heat to keep it semi-liquid but not enough to scorch it or dry it out. A candle or an electric heat source can be used for this. A fondue pot is one type of vessel commonly used for the process.

Why does mac and cheese not reheat well? ›

Be careful not to overheat the mac and cheese, which will cause the proteins and fat in the cheese to separate, and which will also make the pasta mushy. If you made a stovetop version of mac and cheese, and you want to reheat it in the oven, it's not ideal, but it will work.

Can you heat mac and cheese twice? ›

There are no limits to how many times you can safely reheat leftover home-cooked meals. However, best practice is to limit the number of times you do so. More often than not, you wouldn't need to reheat one type of dish more than once. If you are making meals in bulk, separate and store them in individual portions.

How to keep macaroni and cheese creamy? ›

Cooking your noodles in milk instead of water makes your resulting mac and cheese creamier. According to The Kitchn, cooking your noodles in milk instead of water makes the sauce creamy before you even add the cheese sauce.

What not to do when making mac and cheese? ›

Here's what several experts say are the biggest mistakes when it comes to making macaroni and cheese at home and how to avoid making them.
  1. Using Only Cheddar cheese. ...
  2. Not Adding Spice and Seasoning with Salt. ...
  3. Choosing the Wrong Pasta. ...
  4. Overcooking. ...
  5. Skimping on the Toppings.
May 21, 2020

How do you rehydrate macaroni? ›

Heat (i.e. boiling in water) softens dried pasta to allow it to 1) rehydrate and 2) cook. This process typically takes around 8-10 minutes, depending upon what type of pasta you're cooking.

How do you reheat cold macaroni? ›

Method #1: Place in boiling water

Toss the pasta with your leftover sauce and toppings and serve. If you don't have a colander handy, bring your pot of water to a boil and then remove from heat. Place your leftover pasta in the hot water for one to two minutes and serve.

How to stop mac and cheese from solidifying? ›

Here are a few tips to keep in mind: Avoid adding cold pasta to a hot cheese sauce, as this can cause the sauce to solidify and the emulsion of the cheese to weaken. Instead, make sure to keep the pasta hot while preparing the cheese sauce and add it to the sauce while it's still warm.

Can you save leftover macaroni and cheese? ›

Tips For Storing And Eating Leftover Macaroni And Cheese

In general, leftovers stored in a refrigerator set at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower should be eaten within three to four days, according to the USDA. If you can't eat it within that time frame, transfer it to the freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.