The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2024)

Looking for the chickpea cookies from Pinterest or Facebook? Here’s the original recipe! Scroll to the bottom of the post for a how-to recipe video.

Chickpea cookies! Chickpea cookies with no flour, no oil, no white sugar. These are just full of chickpeas. And they’re my very favorite healthy cookie so far!* I don’t know if they really classify as cookies so I’ll go with cookie dough bites.

And as a bonus, they’re grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan. Just in case that matters to anyone out there! And if you’re worried about the chickpeas, don’t be. I don’t like chickpeas and won’t eat them but that didn’t prevent me from inhaling these.

* 2017 update: this post is 5 years old and I have a new favorite. :D You HAVE to try these paleo chocolate chip cookies if you haven’t already! There’s also a vegan option. And for hot summer days, these no-bake oatmeal cookies (naturally gluten-free + vegan) are my favorite!

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (1)

I used homemade peanut butter in these cookies but store-bought (the kind with just peanuts and salt) works just as well.

Here’s how to make peanut butter! There’s also a video included. All you need is peanuts and a food processor (which you already have to pull out for this chickpea cookie recipe!).

These need the chocolate. Don’t go making them without the chocolate and then tell me that they weren’t sweet or gooey enough! These would be incredibly boring without the chocolate.

And for some weird reason, these cookie dough bites do not taste yummy in dough form. Baking them somehow brings out the sweetness and peanut butter flavor. Or maybe it’s just all that melted chocolate.

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2)

One thing I’ve learned since starting this blog is that people really love closeups of melted stuff. So there you go. :)

These aren’t the most beautiful cookie dough bites, but fresh out of the oven, with all that gooey chocolate, I bet you can’t tell that these are made with chickpeas. Or are grain-free. But cold? Yuck. These need to be warm!

You can either freeze the balls and pop a few in the oven whenever it’s on, or simply put them in the microwave until they’re warm and gooey again.

By the way, if you’re a peanut butter lover like I am, you have to try these healthy peanut butter balls. They’re also gluten-free and vegan!

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (3)

Please read the following before asking a question! It will probably answer it. :)

  • Tons of people have posted the nutritional analysis for these. They’re supposedly anywhere between 80-130 calories, which seems like a huge range to me. Please use a recipe analyzer like on CalorieCount if you need more information.

  • You can use almond butter, sun butter, or whatever nut butter you like.

  • The peanut butter should be the kind with only peanuts and salt. No added fat or sugar.

    Be careful because there are some “natural” brands out there which aren’t really natural. I find that this peanut butter is usually expensive so I make my own.

    You can make your own in only 5 minutes with a food processor. Check that out here.

  • Chickpea flour won’t work. I don’t think plain hummus will either.

  • I haven’t tried anything other than chickpeas but others have used butter beans, navy beans, red kidney beans, great northern beans, and lentils with success. I generally don’t like goodies made with those types of beans but I love these cookies made with chickpeas. Please use chickpeas unless you have an allergy!

  • Doing this in a blender won’t work and might kill the blender. Making these in a Blendtec blender or something equally powerful might work but I haven’t tried it.

  • Adding random stuff like eggs… probably won’t work either. ;) Experimenting is great but I think this is a bad recipe to experiment with.

    But thanks to the experimenters who left feedback, I’ve been able to update the recipe with alternatives to honey and peanut butter. Thanks everyone!

    For my readers who are really sensitive to gluten, you might want to read my post on Is Honey Gluten-free?

  • For a totally sugar free version, use 30 drops of Stevia and cacao nibs.

  • Do not double the recipe! It might be too much for your machine and could damage it.

  • For a vegan version, you can’t use honey. Use agave.

  • For a dairy-free version, use Enjoy Life chocolate chips. They’re just as delicious as regular chocolate chips. SO good!

And thanks for everyone who has pinned and left feedback. I really appreciate it. :)

Want more gluten-free treats? Here are some of my favorites!

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (8)


Rated 4.8 by270readers

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (9)

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  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Ready in:
  • Yield: 14 1" cookies


  • 1 1/4 cups canned chickpeas, well-rinsed and patted dry with a paper towel1
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons (165 grams) natural peanut butter, SunButter Natural or almond butter - room temperature2
  • 1/4 cup (80 grams) honey (agave or maple syrup for vegan)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder3
  • a pinch of salt if your peanut butter doesn't have salt in it
  • 1/2 cup (90 grams) chocolate chips (use vegan and dairy-free chocolate chips, if needed)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F / 175°C. Combine all the ingredients, except for the chocolate chips, in a food processor and process until very smooth. Make sure to scrape the sides and the top to get the little chunks of chickpeas and process again until they're combined.
  2. Put in the chocolate chips and stir it if you can, or pulse it once or twice. The mixture will be very thick and sticky.
  3. With wet hands, form into 1 1/2" balls. Place onto a Silpat or a piece of parchment paper. If you want them to look more like normal cookies, press down slightly on the balls. They don't do much rising.
  4. Bake for about 10 minutes. The dough balls will still be very soft when you take them out of the oven. They will not set like normal cookies.
  5. Store in an airtight container at room temperature (or in the fridge) for up to 1 week.


  1. My can of chickpeas was 400 grams, 240 grams without the water, and I used all but a few tablespoons.
  2. Don't even try with regular peanut butter! They'll come out oily. You MUST use natural peanut butter. :)
  3. If you need grain-free baking powder, you can use 1 part cream of tartar + 1 part baking soda + 2 parts arrowroot.


Recipe by Texanerin Baking|

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The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (10)

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (11)

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The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2024)


Who makes the original cookie dough bites? ›

Taste of Nature, Inc.

Should you refrigerate peanut butter cookie dough before baking? ›

Why You Need to Chill Your Cookie Dough. For starters, chilling prevents cookies from spreading out too quickly once they're in the oven. If you use a higher fat butter (like Kerrygold), chilling your dough is absolutely essential. Popping your dough in the fridge allows the fats to cool.

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America's favorite cookie and the one dubbed “the American cookie” is the Chocolate chip cookie. Chocolate chip cookie is simply tantalizing both in flavor and in texture.

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What happened to The Cookie Dough Café on Shark Tank? Seeking an initial investment of $50,000 for 20% equity in the company, founders Joan Pacetti and Julia Schmid wanted to purchase new equipment to automate their production and put an end to having to hand-pack each jar of cookie dough.

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Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar “break and bake” products distributed to retailers in the state. The product is being recalled because it may contain wood fragments. To date, Nestlé USA has received no reports of illnesses or injuries.

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Kylie Jenner begins her day with a a bowl of yogurt topped with crunchy granola, blueberries, raspberries and a sprig of mint. After breakfast, she sips on fresh coconut water. For lunch, Kylie chows down on a pile of greens with crunchy slivered nuts, purple cabbage, black sesame seeds and herbs in a creamy dressing.

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Snoop Dogg's peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe - His original cookie features creamy peanut butter and semisweet chocolate morsels, making it the perfect indulgence this holiday season. #

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Kylie has mentioned her love for sushi on multiple occasions, which we completely understand because it's delicious. Some of her favorite sushi restaurants include Sugarfish and Yamato Restaurant.

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"When your cookie dough is not refrigerated, the butter is at room temperature. Therefore the heat from the oven reacts with the butter quickly, making it spread thinner," says Epperson. And while some people prefer a crunchy, thin cookie, there are arguably many more people who like soft, thick cookies.

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It turns out that there's a more subtle reason for chilling drop-cookie dough. This applies to cookies with flour (which explains why recipes for other kinds of cookies may not recommend chilling). Chilling permits the gluten strands in the flour to relax, avoiding a “rubbery” consistency in the final product.

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Homemade cookie dough should be stored in small containers in the refrigerator for two to four days or freeze for two months. Alternatively, small quantities of dough can be frozen and thawed in the refrigerator as needed.

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Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co.

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Nearly 93% of all American households serve and enjoy cookies as treats or after meals. However, it's the chocolate chip cookie that's the most popular in the U.S. and around the world. How much do youknow about chocolate chip cookies?

What is the #1 cookie in the United States? ›

A new survey by Crumbl cookies finds chocolate chip cookies are America's favorite. Here are the cookie facts: 62% of Americans say there's nothing better than that classic chocolate chip.

Who makes the cookie dough for Ben and Jerry's? ›

Well, it wasn't easy, but through hard work and ingenuity, Rhino nailed it and has been providing our cookie dough since 1991. They've since gone on to produce cookie dough and baked pieces—or 'chunks' as we like to call them—for most of the ice cream world.

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Today, cookie dough is their most popular flavor worldwide, with fans going crazy for the sweet chunks of dough that compliment the ice cream. Ben & Jerry's new Cookie Dough Chunks, launching April 3, were created for the people that wish they could set aside the ice cream and get straight to the good stuff.

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The Cookie Cake was first conceived by Michael Coles and Arthur Karp, two businessmen who wanted to get into the cookie business and founded the company Great American Cookies. Coles was inspired to use his grandmother's chocolate chip cookie recipe after visiting a busy cookie shop in a San Diego mall.

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Cookie Crisp® Cereal - Nestlé Cereals.

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