The Sims 4 cheats and console codes (2024)

The Sims 4 cheats and console codes (1)
  • Guide

Check out the full list of cheat codes for The Sims 4, including how to get more money, modify relationships, add or remove skills and traits, edit Sims' appearances, and much more.

Kevin Tucker


There all manners of The Sims 4 cheats that help players get free money or modify their character's skills and attributes. The process involves opening the cheat console and typing in a specific command, and there are cheat codes that control everything from aspirations and careers to basic needs and buffs. Keep reading to learn more about how cheats work in The Sims 4 and find a complete list of all cheats available across PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The Sims 4 Cheats | PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S,

While the Electronic Arts website for The Sims 4 specifies that not all cheat codes will work across PC and consoles, we've found that they're largely identical across all platforms. It's possible that some codes won't work on PlayStation or Xbox consoles, but they should all work on PC. Players should also note that most of the cheats first require testingcheats to be enabled in the console, though that's not true for all of them.

Table of Contents
How to use the cheat console in The Sims 4
The Sims 4 cheats list
Skill cheatsRelationship cheatsTrait cheats

For convenience, we've laid out the table above with quick links to each list of Sims 4 cheat codes, including a master list of the game's general cheats as well as specific lists for skills, relationships, careers, and even codes introduced with DLC packs such as The Sims 4 Seasons. Readers can also use the jump links at the end of each subsection to return to the table of contents. Now, onto the cheats.

The Sims 4 cheat console | How to use the console

Cheats in The Sims 4 are used by entering them into a cheat console. PC players will be familiar with these because they're commonly found in PC games, but players on the PlayStation or Xbox consoles may not be entirely familiar with them. You must open the cheat console and then enable cheats before you can start inputting cheat codes.

Here's how to open the cheat console in The Sims 4:

  • PC: Press Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Mac: Press Command + Shift + C
  • PlayStation: Hold all four shoulder buttons at once (L1 + L2 + R1 + R2)
  • Xbox: Hold all four shoulder buttons at once (LB + LT + RB + RT)

Once the console has been opened, make sure to enable cheats by typing in "testingcheats true." This function will allow you to perform context-specific cheats or change the state of an object (like making a kitchen bench dirty or clean).

Note that on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, enabling cheats or using cheat codes will disable Achievements/Trophies.

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The Sims 4 cheat codes and console commands

Players looking to cheat in The Sims 4 will find a complete list of cheat codes below. Users will note that many of the cheats have variables or toggles that must be defined by the player.

aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompletes the Sim's current active aspiration milestone.
bb.enablefreebuildBuild wherever you please.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlocks all career rewards in the Buy Mode. Items must still be purchased.
bb.moveobjects [on/off]Disables rules governing object placement.
bb.showhiddenobjectsShows additional, usually hidden objects that can be placed.
bb.showliveeditobjectsShows even more objects that can be placed.
careers.demote [career name]Gives the Sim a demotion in the listed career.
careers.promote [career name]Gives the Sim a promotion in the listed career.
careers.remove_career [career name]Causes a Sim to abandon the listed career.
careers.retireRetires your Sim from their career. They will receive a pension.
cas.fulleditmodeOpens the full Sim character creation menu.
crafting.shorten_phasesDecreases the amount of time needed for crafting.
death.toggleEnables or disables death.
famepoints [x]Replace x with number to add fame points to your Sim
fps [on/off]Displays the fps
FreeRealEstate [on/off]Makes all homes free. Must be entered at world or neighborhood screen.
fillmotive motive_[motive name]Fills the specified motive.
fullscreenToggles full screen viewing mode.
headlineeffects [on/off]Enables or disables headline effects such as thought balloons.
households.autopay_billsUses the Sim's money to pay household bills automatically.
hovereffects [on/off]Enable or disable effects when highlighting a Sim
kachingGrants the player 1,000 Simoleons.
rosebudGrants the player 1,000 Simoleons.
motherlodeGrants the player 50,000 Simoleons.
money [x]Replace [x] with number to set household funds to that number.
resetSim [first name][last name]Resets the Sim to original stats.
season.set_season [x]Replace x with 1, 2, 3, 4 to change the season to summer, fall, winter, or spring
season.advance_seasonWill advance the seasons by one
sims.add_buff GhostlyBecome a ghost, but only for four hours. Spooky!
sims.get_sim_id_by_name [First name] [Last name]This will get your SimID for any cheats that require it instead of your Sim's name. If a cheat does not work with your Sim's name, try the SimID.
sims.give_satisfaction_points [number]Grants the specified number of satisfaction points to the active Sim.
sims.fill_all_commoditiesFill all commodities for the active Sim.
sims.modify_funds [number]Adds a user-defined amount of Simoleons to the current Sim's account.
sims.remove_all_buffsAll moodlets for the current Sim are removed. Returns Sim to neutral mood state.
sims.spawnsimple [number]Spawns the specific amount of Sims.
stats.fill_all_commodities_householdFills all commodities for each Sim in the current household.
testingcheats [true/false]Enables or disables cheats.
ui.dialog.auto_respondAutomatically scrolls through or "reads" dialog and makes dialog choices.


If you want to send your Sim down a specific career path, you can do so by using the following career titles. Use thecareers code above with any of the careers listed below to promote, demote, remove or retire. Some of these careers require specific DLCs (City Living, Get Famous, Get to Work, etc):

  • Activist
  • Actor
  • Astronaut
  • Athletic
  • Business
  • Criminal
  • Careers_Adult_Critic
  • Culinary
  • Detective
  • Doctor
  • Entertainer
  • Painter
  • Scientist
  • SecretAgent
  • SocialMedia
  • Influencer
  • TechGuru
  • Writer
  • Teen_Babysitter
  • Teen_Barista
  • Teen_FastFood
  • Scout
  • Teen_Manual
  • Teen_Retail

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The Sims 4 cheats and console codes (3)

The Sims 4 Skill cheats | Increase skill levels

One of the primary gameplay components of The Sims 4 involves skills, referred to internally as majors. Sims can focus on as many skills as they like, from fishing to writing and music to gaming. Increasing skill level normally takes time and effort, but players can skip all the hard work by making use of the stats.set_skill_level cheat.

Each of the following codes are used by typing out the stats.set_skill_level cheat, defining a major, then setting a number value between 1 and 10. Doing so will allow players to set a Sim's proficiency in any given field to the specified level. Note that children only have four core skill groups that are modified with the Skill_Child codes featured at the end of the list.

  • Adultminor_Entrepreneur
  • Major_Bartending
  • Major_Charisma
  • Major_Comedy
  • Major_Dj
  • Major_Fishing
  • Major_Gardening
  • Major_GourmetCooking
  • Major_Guitar
  • Major_Handiness
  • Major_HomestyleCooking
  • Major_Logic
  • Major_Mischief
  • Major_Painting
  • Major_Piano
  • Major_Programming
  • Major_Reaping
  • Major_RocketScience
  • Major_VideoGaming
  • Major_Violin
  • Major_Writing
  • Skill_Fitness
  • Skill_Child_Social
  • Skill_Child_Motor
  • Skill_Child_Creativity
  • Skill_Child_Mental
  • Toddler_Communication
  • Toddler_Imagination
  • Toddler_Movement
  • Toddler_Thinking
  • Toddler_Potty

For example:

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 5 sets the Video Gaming skill to level 5.
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10 maxes out the Writing skill.

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The Sims 4 Relationship cheats | Modify romance and friendship

Relationships in The Sims 4 are built around two primary categories: Friendship and Romance. Sims can become normal platonic friends with one another and can also build a romantic relationship with one another. Players who want to modify or increase relationship levels between Sims need to make use of these modifyrelationship codes:

  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] Ltr_Friendship_main
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] Ltr_Romance_main

The first set of names belongs to Sim number one, while the second set refers to Sim number two. The number before "ltr" refers to the relationship level itself, where 0 is the minimum and 10 is the maximum. The cheat codes with Sentiment are used for the High School Years pack.

For example:

  • modifyrelationship John McClane Holly Gennero 10 Ltr_Romance_main would max out the Romance level between two Sims named John McClane and Holly Gennero.
  • modifyrelationship John McClane Hans Gruber 0 Ltr_Friendship_main would effectively end the friendship between two Sims named John McClane and Hans Gruber.

There are relationship modifiers for the High School pack as well. As mentioned above, the first set of names belong to Sim number one while the second set refers to Sim number two. The hash before sentimenttrack is the level, which can be set to 100.

  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_bitter_st_hsprom_noprominvite
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_close_lt_iknowtheyvegotmyback
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_close_lt_theyunderstand
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_close_lt_twopeasinapod
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_close_st_goodfirstimpression
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_close_st_throwfootballbondingmoment
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_crush_lt_generic
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_guilty_st_hsprom_brokenpact
  • modifyrelationship [first name][last name] [first name][last name] [#] sentimenttrack_hurt_st_hsprom_brokenditchpromise

Additional relationship cheats include:

  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others
  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim

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The Sims 4 Trait cheats | Add or remove traits

When creating a Sim in The Sims 4, players have the option to select three specific traits. These personality modifiers are often doubled-edged, providing bonuses in some situations and penalties in others. While traits are typically locked after being chosen in the creation menu, players can change their Sim's traits by using the traits.equip_trait and traits.remove_trait cheats.

The following traits can be added or removed by typing either the equip or remove trait cheat followed by the name of the trait itself. Note that in some cases, players may be required to re-type "trait_" before the cheat modifier in order for the code to work.

For example:

  • traits.equip_trait Creative will apply the Creative trait to the active Sim.
  • traits.remove_trait Evil will remove the Evil trait from the active Sim.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_Geek (alternate form) will equip the Geek trait to the active Sim.
Default traitsReward Store traitsDLC traits
ActiveAlwaysWelcomeCatLover (Cats and Dogs)
Alluring (Love Aspiration)AntisepticDanceMachine (Get Together)
AmbitiousBeguilingDogLover (Cats and Dogs)
ArtLoverBurningMan (Seasons DLC)Insider (Get Together)
BookwormCarefreeParanoid (trangerVille)
BroColdAcclimation (Seasons DLC)SelfAbsorbed (Get Famous)
Business_Savvy (Fortune Aspiration)ConnectionsSqueamish (Outdoor Retreat)
CheerfulCreativeVisionaryUnflirty (City Living)
ChildishEntrepreneurialVegetarian (City Living)
Collector (Nature Aspiration)ForeverFresh
Dastardly (Deviance Aspiration)Frugal
EssenceOfFlavor (Foodie Aspiration)GreatKisser
EvilGreatStoryteller (Outdoor Retreat)
FoodieHeatAcclimation (Seasons DLC)
GeekIceMan (Seasons DLC)
GeniusIncrediblyFriendly (Outdoor Retreat)
Gregarious (Popularity Aspiration)MorningPerson
High_Metabolism (Athletic Aspiration)NeverWeary
HomeTurf (Location Aspiration)NightOwl
Insane (Erratic)ProfessionalSlacker
MeanStormChaser (Seasons DLC)
Muser (Creativity Aspiration)StovesandGrillsMaster (Outdoor Retreat)
NeatWaterproof (Seasons DLC)
Quick_Learner (Knowledge Aspiration)

High School traits

As above, the High School traits are equipped using the traits.equip_trait code. An example:

  • equip_trait trait_hsexit_expelled will expel the teen from school

All school-based traits:

  • trait_hsexit_graduate_early
  • trait_hsexit_graduate_honors
  • trait_hsexit_graduate_valedictorian
  • trait_hsexit_expelled
  • trait_hsexit_dropout
  • trait_entrepreneur_theknowledge
  • trait_dauntless
  • trait_highflier
  • trait_iconic
  • trait_relatable
  • trait_teenpranks_prankster
  • trait_untroubled

High School rewards:

  • trait_reward_hsteam_cheerteam
  • trait_reward_hsteam_chessteam
  • trait_reward_hsteam_computerteam
  • trait_reward_hsteam_footballteam

High School promotions and demotions:

  • promote teen_simsfluencersidehustle
  • promote parttime_simsfluencersidehustle
  • demote teen_simsfluencersidehustle
  • demote parttime_simsfluencersidehustle
  • promote teen_streamersidehustle
  • promote parttime_streamersidehustle
  • demote teen_streamersidehustle
  • demote parttime_streamersidehustle
  • promote hsteam_cheerteam
  • promote hsteam_chessteam
  • promote hsteam_computerteam
  • promote hsteam_footballteam

Werewolf traits & temperaments

The werewolf traits are for when you want your Sim to be a werewolf and have specific traits, called Temperaments. You will need to use the same method as above for equipping traits but first you must turn your Sim into a werewolf by using the following code:

traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf

Now, you must equipped or remove the temperaments. An example:

  • equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf_temperaments_hungrylikethewolf will add the Hungry Like the Wolf temperament to the active Sim
  • remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf_temperaments_carnivore will remove the Carnivore temperament from the active Sim

Here is a list of all the Traits/Temperaments you can apply or remove from a Sim that is a werewolf:

  • AntiCapitalistCanine
  • BigBadWolf
  • Carnivore
  • EasilyExcitable
  • FeelsOutcasted
  • Frisky
  • GrumpyWolf
  • HatesBeingWet
  • HungryLikeTheWolf
  • Lunar_ForestMark
  • Lunar_HuntMark
  • Lunar_NightMark
  • Lunar_WolfMark
  • MustBeClean
  • NightWolf
  • Prideful
  • RestlessAnimal
  • SensitiveHearing
  • SurvivalInstincts
  • Territorial
  • WolfBrain
  • WrackedWithGuilt

There are also Aspiration traits for your werewolves:

  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryContro
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear

Finally, here are some other types of traits to give your Sim:

  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood
  • equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait
  • equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA
  • equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB

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The Sims 4 Vampires Cheats

Vampires have been a staple in the Sims and the supernatural creatures return with this expansion. Not only that, there are dozens of cheat codes to use! The following three control your Sim’s vampire status.

  • equip_trait trait_OccultVampire
  • set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160
  • remove_trait trait_OccultVampire

The next few cheat codes are responsible for the rank of your vampire, which will allow you to access various powers.

Vampire rank cheatVampire rank
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202Minor Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630Prime Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058Master Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486Grand Master Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593Maximum Vampre rank

The next set of cheat codes unlock the associated power. Some of these powers require higher ranks. After each cheat, you must put in the code true 40961 [SimID] where you replace the [SimID] with your own Sim’s ID, which you can find using the cheat listed in the Sims 4 cheat tableabove.

  • unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3
  • unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome
  • unlock_perk BatForm
  • unlock_perk Command
  • unlock_perk DetectPersonality
  • unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3
  • unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3
  • unlock_perk GarlicImmunity
  • unlock_perk Hallucinate
  • unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber
  • unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun
  • unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene
  • unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social
  • unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit
  • unlock_perk Mesmerize
  • unlock_perk MistForm
  • unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness
  • unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3
  • unlock_perk PotentPower_3
  • unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3
  • unlock_perk TameTheThirst
  • unlock_perk VampireCreation
  • unlock_perk VampireRun
  • unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3
  • unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3

These two cheats will remove weaknesses from your vampire but keep the powers (the first one) and refund all your vampire points so you can reassign them. For these, replace [simID] with your Sim’s ID number instead of their name.

  • lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 [simID] false
  • lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 [simID] true

Your vampire can also have a lore and pipe organ skill which you can max out using these codes:

  • set_skill_level VampireLore 15
  • set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10

Outside of perks and skills, there are three traits to use:

Vampire traitsEffect
traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanityA vampire with Regained Humanity is more trustworthy. Sims are more likely to allow you to drink.
traits.equip_trait TheMasterSick of Vampire Offspring disobeying you? This will make them always obey.
traits.equip_trait TrueMasterMore vampire energy and mind control powers.

Finally, you can kill your vampire in two ways. The first will melt your vampire using the sun while the second will turn your Sim into a ghost that was killed by the sun:

  • set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100
  • equip_trait Vampire_Sun

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This list of all cheats in The Sims 4 should help players make the most out of Maxis' hugely popular life simulation video game. For the absolute latest coverage, including fresh news, detailed guides and more, be sure to stop by Shacknews' The Sims 4 home page.

Kevin Tucker

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

Filed Under

  • Maxis
  • the sims 4
  • Guide
  • cheats
The Sims 4 cheats and console codes (2024)
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