9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (2024)

Revitalize your tired room with these 9 top decorating ideas. Transform your space and create a fresh, welcoming atmosphere with these creative tips and inspiration.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (1)

One of the most asked questions here at StoneGable is about how to update a room. I hear you! I think we all want to keep our homes comfortable, attractive, and updated. I’ve been on a soft rant lately about the importance of keeping our homes as up-to-date as we are!

Is a room in your home feeling a bit tired and lacking inspiration? I know exactly how you feel. The cozy room we once loved being in for its comfort and lovely aesthetics now does not give us the same feeling. It’s lost its charm and now seems a bit drab and outdated. Instead of enjoying our surroundings, we find ourselves feeling a bit deflated or even irritated by them. How did things take a turn for the worse?

I’m so glad you are here because there’s hope for our tired room! With a little creativity and some simple updates, we can breathe new life into our space and recapture that sense of comfort and style we once cherished.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (2)

In this post, we’ll explore 9 easy ideas for decorating and updating a tired room, each designed to bring back the appeal and make our space feel inviting and attractive once again. These ideas are sure to inspire and help us transform our room into a place we love to be in once more. So let’s work on that tired room, breathing new life into it.

Change can often be daunting, especially when it comes to refreshing a room.

Most of us prefer to take things one step at a time rather than tackling everything all at once. Let’s acknowledge that decorating is often a slow process. And that is okay. It is more than okay.

This transformation often moves at a leisurely pace. So, be patient with your room and yourself, and celebrate each small improvement along the way!

So, what’s the plan when your room is begging for an update, whether big or small?

Two Things To Know Before You Begin Decorating

Before starting to update any room, there are two important things to consider. These factors significantly contribute to the success of your room makeover.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (3)

First, understanding your decorating style is crucial. Think of it as your decorating blueprint. When you are clear about your design style, you will make smarter choices. It streamlines the updating process by helping you decide what fits and what doesn’t in your room.

Equally important is defining your color palette. Will you keep the same color palette, or are you ready for a new one? This distinction is key. Your chosen color palette serves as the unifying thread, making sure all the items in the room work together and look cohesive.

If you are thinking of moving to a new neutral color palette, these posts are loaded with helpful information and inspiration…


8 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COLOR will guide you through choosing the best color story for your home.

Two important posts to read to help you decide on the style and color palette of the room are:


Update A Room With A Fresh Coat Of Paint

When we first moved into the Tanglewood house, all the walls were painted dull tan, which gave the rooms a closed-off and unwelcoming feel. We knew the color had to be changed, so we opted for white.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (4)

Our choice of Benjamin Moore’s Simply White transformed our home, infusing it with a fresh, light, and airy feel. Tanglewood’s open-concept layout practically called for a single color scheme, and the soft white color beautifully complemented the spaciousness of our home.

I’ve developed a deep appreciation for white walls, especially in our open-plan environment. They bring a sense of calmness and seem to enlarge our living areas, perfectly suiting our home.

I think paint is the closest thing to magic! It has the power to totally change a space’s aesthetics. No matter your color choice, painting a room you want to decorate or update is where to start.

You might like to read 6 TIPS TO HELP YOU CHOOSE THE PERFECT PAINT COLOR. Its very practical tips will help you choose the right paint for your room.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (5)

Transforming A Room By Restoring And Upcycling: Unlock The Potential Of What You Already Have

When we consider it, our homes hold a treasure trove of decor! There are so many furnishings and accents living with us that are begging to be restored and upcycled! That means getting creative, and with the power of a little elbow grease, we can craft decor that we would love to display in our homes!

The Magic Of Paint: Giving New Life To What You Have

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (6)

The clock in the great room serves as a prime example of the transformative updating of something you already have! Once situated above the white buffet, it has found a new home on a wall in my office. Despite being moved, it remains a cherished favorite of mine.

I am a huge fan of the magic of paint for updating things we already have. It’s amazing what a coat of paint can do! Whether it’s refreshing a tired mirror, reviving a chipped chair, or adding personality to a clear vase, paint holds the key to making what we already have in our homes pretty and useful again. With just a little paint and a trusty brush, it’s like waving a magic wand infused with pixie dust!

Paint has the remarkable ability to transform a dresser into a vibrant statement piece in a bedroom or to seamlessly blend a flea market find with our color story.

Whether it’s sprucing up a yellowed lampshade to a perfect white again or giving a chair and ottoman a faux leather finish with a touch of paint and wax, previously neglected or worn items can now contribute to a room’s overall aesthetic. What once caused frustration now adds to the room’s beauty and cohesiveness.

When it comes to updating and decorating a room, paint should be the first tool you grab from your toolbox.

Updating What You Have With Fabric

Another way to update a room, similar to painting for its transformative power, is to use fabric to breathe new life into existing pieces. This can be a game-changer. Instead of splurging on entirely new furnishings, consider reupholstering chairs, sofas, or ottomans with fresh fabrics that work with your color palette and your updated look.

Many of us appreciate the design and functionality of our existing furniture pieces. When our upholstered items fit perfectly into our rooms, it’s understandable that we hesitate to get something new. I completely understand. That’s why picking out a fresh fabric for these perfect pieces is such a smart move.

Slipcovers play a big role in updating existing furnishings for several reasons.

First, slipcovers offer a cost-effective solution to totally change the look of tired furniture without the need for a complete overhaul. By simply covering up outdated upholstery, slipcovers can instantly refresh the look of chairs, sofas, or ottomans.

Slipcovers offer practical benefits like easy maintenance and cleaning, making them ideal for households with children or pets. Slipcovers provide a simple, easy way to update and upscale the appearance of your existing furnishings, breathing new life into your room’s aesthetic.

I’ve discovered that upholstering, slipcovering, or even making new cushions for decor pieces like benches can be a budget-friendly solution to updating and decorating my home’s furnishings.

Reupholstering and slipcovering are practical ways to infuse your personal touch into your decor, all while keeping costs down.

However, if DIYing your furniture isn’t your thing, seeking out professionals who specialize in reupholstering and slipcovering is a smart alternative. Building a strong relationship with these experts is essential, as they can offer valuable advice, quality workmanship, and assistance in bringing your vision to life.

Whether you choose to tackle the project yourself or enlist the help of skilled professionals, the end result will be a refreshed space that reflects your style and personality.

Creating Interest With What You Already Have: Decorating with a High/Low Look

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (9)

One of the decorating techniques I love is what I affectionately call the “high/low” approach. It’s all about seamlessly blending higher-end furnishings or designs that exude luxury with more affordable items.

This method not only results in a visually pleasing aesthetic but also offers a wallet-friendly way to decorate.

Picture the concept of juxtaposition at play—pairing two elements together to create a striking contrast. As decorators, we aim for this contrast to be not only pleasing but also captivating to the eye. Achieving the perfect high/low balance involves combining beautiful, high-quality pieces with thrifted finds, sale treasures, or beloved items collected over the years.

When curated thoughtfully, these contrasting elements work together to create a beautifully thoughtful look, resulting in what I like to call decorating gold. That is the look I love and strive to achieve in my home.

The image above shows the high/low aesthetic that resonates with me. While the mirror may have been a bit of a splurge, the items decorating the white buffet were quite reasonably priced. As for the piece of art, it was an absolute steal!

Honing your eye for spotting beautiful pieces and finding similar decor at bargain prices is a skill worth cultivating. It’s one of my personal decorating superpowers, and with a bit of practice, it can become yours, too.

Keeping an open mind and embracing the thrill of the hunt can lead to discovering hidden gems that elevate your space without breaking the bank. So, whether you’re browsing thrift stores, scouring clearance racks, or perusing online marketplaces, cultivating your knack for finding beauty in unexpected places can be a fun and thrilling experience and make your home truly special.

Let Go Of Outdated Decor

Let’s talk about the reality of updating a room—it’s a process, not an overnight transformation. It’s important to understand that if there’s something in your room that’s making the entire space look dated or tired, it might be time to bid it farewell. While covering, painting, or upcycling can work wonders in some cases, there are instances where letting go is the best option.

Deciding to part with a piece of furniture or decor item can take time, and that’s perfectly okay. Take the time to weigh your options and consider the impact of removing an outdated item from a room.

However, it’s crucial not to get stuck in indecision. Many home decorators find themselves paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision. But being stuck is counterproductive—it hinders progress and prevents you from achieving the room of your dreams.

Many home decorators find themselves paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision. But being stuck is counterproductive—it hinders progress and prevents you from achieving the room of your dreams.

Sometimes, you need to take a leap of faith and move forward. If you find yourself struggling with the decision-making process or feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of updating your decor, there are resources available to help.

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FEEL STUCK WITH YOUR DECOR is an insightful post designed to offer guidance and support for navigating through decorating challenges.

Remember, embracing change and letting go of what no longer serves you is essential for creating a space you truly love.

Refresh Your Room By Downsizing Tchockies

Let’s talk about the common tendency to collect things. Whether it’s figurines, cars, flamingos, or any other cherished items, collections often hold sentimental value for many of us. While I may not be an avid collector myself, I’ve witnessed firsthand how these collections can bring joy and meaning to the lives of loved ones.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (10)

Now, here’s where a bit of gentle, tough love comes into play. While collections hold sentimental value, there comes a point where they can transition from cherished treasures to clutter. It’s a harsh reality but one worth acknowledging.

What’s more, many collections have the potential to make our homes appear outdated. This is sad but true!

Why not try this approach to displaying collectibles when we want to update a room? Instead of displaying the entire collection all at once, why not consider grouping together a selection of 3 or 5 collectibles and rotating them in and out of a room? This simple adjustment can work wonders in instantly updating the look and feel of a space.

So, my friend, I encourage you to be brave and give it a try. Embrace the idea of curating your collections and displaying them in a way that breathes new life into your home. By taking this step, you’ll not only declutter your space but also give it a less cluttered look.

The Common Urge To Overdecorate And How To Conquer It

When it comes to updating a room, it’s important to strike the right balance between adding things that bring value and interest to our room and the urge to avoid over-decoration. Here are some tips to help you achieve a refreshed look without overwhelming your space.

Start With A Clean Slate

Before adding things to a room, take a step back and evaluate its current state. Clear out any clutter or unnecessary items to create a blank canvas for your update.

Embrace Minimalism

Less is often more when it comes to decorating. Instead of filling every available space with collectible decor, focus on a few key pieces from the things you collect that make a statement. This allows each item to shine and prevents the room from feeling overcrowded.

Consider Scale and Proportion

When selecting a few furnishings, pay attention to their size in relation to the space. Oversized furniture or accessories can overpower a room, while too many small items can create visual clutter. Aim for a balanced mix of sizes to create visual interest without overwhelming the space.

WHY IS BALANCE IMPORTANT WHEN YOU DECORATE? This will help you understand the concept of balance in interior design and how to use it in your home.

Edit, Edit, Edit

Don’t be afraid to edit your decor choices. If something feels out of place or unnecessary, remove it. Editing is key to achieving a well-curated and cohesive look in your space.

By following these tips, you can update your room in a way that feels fresh and inviting without over-decorating. Remember, simplicity and restraint are key to achieving a well-balanced space.

THE OVER DECORATING DILEMMA AND HOW TO CONQUER IT is a very informative post about the more than common tendency home decorators have to overdecorate and savvy ways to break this habit and add peace and beauty to a home.

When seeking to update a room, a cost-effective method is to look no further than your own home. By perusing your current furniture and decor, you should be able to freshen up the space without buying many new things. Consider the potential of each piece, whether it’s a beloved armchair or a neglected side table, and imagine how it could be repurposed to breathe new life into the room. Even the smallest adjustments, such as rearranging rugs or repositioning artwork, can transform your space.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (11)

This is my favorite way to update the rooms in our home. I’m always very surprised by how many items I can use from different rooms or the basem*nt to revitalize a room that needs a little brightening up.

A bench from the landing on our stairs becomes a coffee table for a fun and different look in our living room.

This process of shopping your home allows you to tap into the resources you already have, unleashing the power of creativity and resourcefulness in updating the room’s look and feel.

6 BRILLIANT WAYS TO SHOP YOUR HOUSE is full of ideas for shopping your home.

Using Accents And Accessories To Breathe Life Into A Tired Room

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (12)

Updating accent decor and accessories is a foolproof way to elevate the style quotient of any room. These small but important design elements, ranging from throw pillows to candles to faux plants and flowers, have the power to add personality and flair to your space. While I tend to keep my larger furniture pieces timeless and classic, I embrace trendier options when it comes to accessories.

One of the great things about accent decor is its versatility. Swapping out accessories every few years is easy and budget-friendly, keeping your space feeling fresh and up-to-date.

However, when updating your accent decor, it’s smart to keep a few savvy tips in mind.

  1. Prioritize items that resonate with you personally and reflect your unique style. Choose pieces that bring you joy and speak to your aesthetic preferences.
  2. Consider shopping for accent decor on a budget. Many affordable options can be found at thrift stores, discount retailers, or even through DIY projects. By getting creative and thinking outside the box, you can find unique and stylish pieces without breaking the bank.
  3. Finally, don’t underestimate the power of moving your accent decor around regularly. Switching up the placement of accessories can breathe new life into a room and keep things from feeling boring.

Updating accent decor and accessories is an opportunity to fill your space with personality and charm.

ACCENT DECOR EVERY HOME NEEDS is a guidebook that will help you find the right accessories for each room in your home.

9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (13)

Are you ready to transform a room in your home? Pick just one space, and start today! With the tips and strategies shared in this post, you have everything you need to start decorating and updating a room to give it a fresh look.

FAQs About Updating And Decorating A Tired Room

The suggestions in this post will help guide you in updating your living room. Consider giving your walls a new coat of paint, updating items in your room, like a sofa with new upholstery, painting a tired-looking coffee table in a color that works with the room’s color story, getting rid of clutter, and adding a few new accessories.

Spend time in your boring room and try to figure out what makes it boring. Is it the color palette that seems ho-hum? Then try a fresh coat of paint. Is it outdated or tired-looking furniture? Reupholster or refinish it. Would some new and trendy accents and accessories help? Remember to shop your house. Move things from one room to another. Accessories and accents are inexpensive and can be changed out every few years.

Several savvy ways exist to make a room look better without spending anything. Here’s a list.

Clean and tidy up the room, shop your house, fix, reupholster, paint what you have, rearrange your furniture, and some adding fresh flowers always makes everything look for cheery.

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9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (14)

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9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room (2024)


9 Best Ideas For Decorating And Updating A Tired Room? ›

Consider giving your walls a new coat of paint, updating items in your room, like a sofa with new upholstery, painting a tired-looking coffee table in a color that works with the room's color story, getting rid of clutter, and adding a few new accessories.

How do you make a boring room look good? ›

Consider painting.

White paint will make your room feel brighter and more open. It's a calming color and good backdrop to make decorations pop. If you want a little more drama in your space, try painting your walls a velvety black or navy blue. A darker room done right can feel cozy and timeless.

What are some quick ways to change the look of a room? ›

12 Quick Ways You Can Easily Change a Room
  1. Throw pillows and blankets. ...
  2. Hardware. ...
  3. Plants or Flowers. ...
  4. Decor pieces. ...
  5. Party Lights. ...
  6. Lampshades. ...
  7. Runners. ...
  8. Rearrange the Furniture.
Apr 21, 2020

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9 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Bedroom
  1. Mirrors, Art & Wall Decor. Just because you're the only ones that see the room, doesn't mean that it can't be special. ...
  2. Introduce Texture & Pattern. ...
  3. Invest In Your Bedding. ...
  4. Update Your Storage. ...
  5. Get The Lighting Right. ...
  6. Paint. ...
  7. Seating. ...
  8. Declutter.

How to give your room a makeover? ›

Start by decluttering your room so you're left only with things you truly need or love. Then, change the look of your walls, rearrange your furniture, update your favorite items with new finishes, or even replace a few pieces. Finish by adding accessories like a rug, artwork, and potted plants.

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9 Budget-Friendly Ways To Update Your Bedroom Without a Full-On Renovation
  1. Hang sheer, floor-length curtains. Photo by Woodmeister Master Builders. ...
  2. Paint an accent wall. ...
  3. Try peel-and-stick wallpaper. ...
  4. Add a pretty bedside lamp. ...
  5. Attach cool hooks. ...
  6. Layer mirrors. ...
  7. Rearrange the furniture. ...
  8. Install a dimmer switch.
Jun 14, 2022

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Try these ten steps to bring a fresh, pleasant feel to your room as well as improve your room's air quality.
  1. Identify the odor. ...
  2. Dust your room from top to bottom. ...
  3. Clean your floors. ...
  4. Open your windows. ...
  5. Bathe your pets. ...
  6. Wash your sheets and laundry. ...
  7. Clean all upholstery. ...
  8. Turn on a dehumidifier.
May 10, 2023

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Bedroom Makeover: 20 Tricks to Transform Yours on a Budget
  1. Throw Out All the “Rules” of Decorating. ...
  2. Play Clutter Cop. ...
  3. Rearrange What's Already There. ...
  4. Make Your Bed on a Budget. ...
  5. Shop Local, Really Local (as in, Your Home, Local) ...
  6. Embrace the Transformative Power of Paint. ...
  7. Add an Accent Wall. ...
  8. Look Down.
Mar 31, 2022

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There are plenty of 'affordable' finishing touches which can make your home look and feel more luxurious – some of which can actually be free!
  1. Paint a feature wall. ...
  2. Go big with wall art. ...
  3. Redecorate / paint. ...
  4. Use colour cleverly. ...
  5. Declutter. ...
  6. Decorate with candles and mirrors. ...
  7. Add house plants and flowers.
Feb 7, 2022

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16 Ideas to Upgrade Your Bedroom Without Buying A Thing
  1. Rearrange Your Furniture. ...
  2. Repurpose Items. ...
  3. Focus on Lighting. ...
  4. Add a Statement Wall. ...
  5. Rearrange Artwork. ...
  6. Utilize Textiles. ...
  7. Incorporate Nature. ...
  8. Declutter and Organize.
Jan 9, 2024

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