Tempeh: the High-Protein, High-Probiotic Food (2024)

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By Rachael Link, MS, RD

December 12, 2023

Tempeh: the High-Protein, High-Probiotic Food (1)

Once popular solely among those following a vegan orvegetarian diet, tempeh has become a beloved staple in households across the globe thanks to its versatility, delicious flavor and the impressive nutrient profile that it offers. In fact, it tops the charts as one of the best meatless protein sources available, right alongside beans, lentils and other fermented foods like natto.

Packed with probiotics, antioxidants and isoflavones that can support better health, studies suggest that tempeh may help keep cholesterol down, boost bone health and stabilize blood sugar. Plus, it’s rich in many of the essential nutrients that your body needs, making it a worthy addition to your next shopping list.

What Is Tempeh?

Tempeh is a fermented soybean product that originated in Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and a controlledfermentationprocess that includes adding a tempeh starter, which is a mix of live mold. When it sits for a day or two, it becomes a cake-like,fermented food.

Tempeh is becoming popular, and today more and more grocery stores have begun to carry tempeh products. This is because it is known to reduce cholesterol, increase bone density, decrease menopausal symptoms and promotemuscle recovery.

In addition to these amazing benefits, tempeh is easy to prepare, delicious, high in protein, and rich in manganese, copper and phosphorus.


Nutrition Facts

Tempeh’s fermentation process and its useof whole soy beans gives it ahigher content ofprotein, vitamins and minerals. It has a firmtextureand an earthyflavor, which becomes more noticeableas it ages.Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide invegetarian cuisine. Its ability to take on many flavors and textures makes it a great substitute for meat products.

In addition to its high protein content, tempeh is also rich in a wide array of vitamins and minerals, including manganese, copper and phosphorus.

A 100-gram serving of tempeh contains approximately:

  • Calories: 192
  • Total Carbohydrates: 7.6 g
  • Total Fat: 10.8 g
    • Saturated Fat: 2.5 g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat: 4.3 g
    • Monounsaturated Fat: 3.2 g
    • Trans Fat: 0 g
  • Protein: 20.3 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 9 mg (0.4% DV*)
  • Copper: 0.56 mg (62% DV*)
  • Manganese: 1.3 mg (56% DV*)
  • Riboflavin: 0.36 mg (28% DV*)
  • Phosphorus: 266 mg (21% DV*)
  • Magnesium: 81 mg (19% DV*)
  • Niacin: 2.64 mg (16% DV*)
  • Iron: 2.7 mg (15% DV*)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.22 mg (13% DV*)
  • Calcium: 111 mg (9% DV*)
  • Potassium: 412 mg (9% DV*)
  • Folate: 24 mcg (6% DV*)
  • Zinc: 1.14 mg (6% DV*)

*Daily Value: Percentages are based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day.


1. Rich in Probiotics

The consumption of fermented,probiotic foodshas many benefits.The microflora that lives infermented foodscreates a protective lining in the intestines and shields it against pathogens like salmonella and E. coli.

Tempeh and other fermented foods can help increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can have far-reaching effects on health. Studies show how probiotics can help break down sugars and carbohydrates so they’re more easily digested, control harmful bacteria in the body, fight diarrhea, help with indigestion, fight chronic inflammation and evenboost immune system function.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

Having high levels of cholesterol is a major risk factor when it comes to heart disease. High cholesterol can cause your arteries to stiffen and narrow, making it harder for your heart to pump blood throughout the body. Tempeh appears to be one of the better cholesterol-lowering foods.

A review published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutritionevaluated 11 studies and found that soy isoflavones, which are found in tempeh and other soy products, can help significantly decrease levels of total and LDL cholesterol.

Theniacin found in tempeh is also considered an important nutrient when it comes to controlling cholesterol levels and is often used as a treatment method for keeping cholesterol levels in check. Not only can niacin lower levels of triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol, but it can also increase levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol, which helps clear fatty plaque from the arteries.

A 2011 study conducted at theUniversity of Kansas Medical Center found thatsupplementing with niacinwas very effective atlowering cholesterol naturally, especially for those at an increased risk for heart attack or stroke caused by high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol or elevated triglyceride levels.

3. Boosts Bone Health

The calcium provided by tempeh is integral to the growth and maintenance of bones. Calcium, together with other essential minerals likevitamin K and vitamin D, is needed to maintain bone mineral density and prevent weak, brittle bones and fractures. It helps form a part of hydroxyapatite, the mineral complex that makes your bones and teeth hard, maintains bone density and helps bones heal. Studies indicate that people with a calcium deficiency are more susceptible to having weak and pliable bones, increasing the risk of fractures.

Copper and phosphorus, both minerals that appear in abundance in tempeh, also play an important role in bone growth. A copper deficiencycan show up in brittle bones that are prone to breaking and not fully developing, plus it leads to osteoporosis, low strength and muscle weakness.

According to a studypublished inBiological Trace Elements Research,copper consumption can increase the rate of bone healing and may also play a key role in the maintenance and repair of tissue.

4. May Reduce Menopause Symptoms

Theisoflavones found in tempeh areknown to serve as anatural remedy for menopausal relief. A paper published by the North American Menopause Societyevaluated the role of isoflavones on menopausal health and found that isoflavones were able to help keep blood cholesterol levels in check. Along with hot flashes and mood swings, a sudden spike in cholesterol levels can be one of the hallmark signs of menopause.

Some research even showed that isoflavones were able to help reduce the incidence and severity of hot flashes, although findings were mixed. Although more evidence is needed to determine specific doses, researchers suggest recommending whole foods that contain isoflavones, such as tempeh, to menopausal women to take advantage of the powerful cardiovascular benefits.


5. Provides Muscle-Building Protein

Tempeh is an excellent plant-based protein food, packing nearly 16 grams of protein into a single three-ounce serving. This puts it right on par with plenty of other protein foods, such as chicken or beef. Not only that, but the fermentation process has already helped convert some of the protein into amino acids, reducing the amount of work required by your digestive system.

Protein is important because it keeps our metabolism running, increases energy and keeps blood sugar stable.Protein is used in everysingle cell of thebody and is critical forgaining muscle mass, supporting neurological function, aiding in digestion, balancinghormonesand maintaining an upbeat mood.

Filling your diet with plenty of high-protein foods like tempeh can also help you shed extra pounds and trim your waistline. One study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, for instance,showed that upping protein intake by just 15 percent resulted in increased satiety and reduced caloric intake.

6. Balances Blood Sugar

With one serving knocking out up to 56 percent of your manganese needs, tempeh is a delicious and nutritious way to get in your daily needs for this crucial mineral.Manganese plays a role in numerous chemical processes, including synthesis of nutrients like cholesterol, carbohydrates and proteins.

One of the most notable benefits of manganese is its ability to help maintain normal blood sugar levels and fight off diabetes. Studies show how manganese is needed to help with proper production of digestive enzymesresponsible for a process called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis involves the conversion of protein’s amino acids into sugar and the balance of sugar within the bloodstream.

7. May Have Anticancer Properties

The isoflavones found in tempeh have been associated with a wide range of health benefits and are revered for their impressive anti-inflammatory properties. This is because soy isoflavones are rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and help prevent inflammation to protect cells against damage.

Antioxidants are believed to play a central role in health and disease, with some research suggesting that they can even help reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

For this reason, it should come as no surprise that some emerging research has even found that soy isoflavones could be effective in blocking cancer growth and development as well. One study out of Minnesota, for instance, showed that soy isoflavones could help prevent cancer by decreasing estrogen synthesis and altering metabolism away from gene-damagingmetabolites toward inactive metabolites.

The study involved 12 healthy premenopausal women who consumed soy protein supplements for 100 days, which was found to havecancer-treating effects compared to a control group.

Tempeh: the High-Protein, High-Probiotic Food (4)

Tempeh vs. Tofu vs. Seitan

Tempeh, tofu and seitan are three of the most popular meat substitutes used by those on a vegetarian or vegan diet as well as those simply trying to limit their consumption of animal products. All three, however, have differences when it comes to the way that they are prepared and the health benefits they can provide.

Both tempeh and tofu are derived from the soybean plant, but tofu is made by curdling soy milk and then creating soft white blocks of tofu. Although these two products share a similar nutrient profile, tofu has not been fermented so it doesn’t provide the same health benefits or probiotics.

Seitan, on the other hand, is one of the few soy-free vegan meat replacements available. Seitan is actually made from wheat gluten and has a taste and texture that closely resemble meat, making it a good fit for meat-free recipes like mock duck. However, the pre-prepared seitan found in most grocery stores and supermarkets is often heavily processed and contains high amounts of sodium, preservatives and additives that make it not so stellar when it comes to your health.

How to Cook

Luckily, it doesn’t take much effort to find where to buy tempeh. In fact, it is widely available at most grocery stores and can be typically found in the refrigerated section with other vegetarian products, such as tofu. You may notice that some packages include beans that have a white, feathery fluff growing on them, and this is totally normal and safe to eat. Tempeh can be stored in the refrigerator when eaten within a week or so, and it freezes well for later use.

You can eat tempeh raw or by boiling it and eating it with miso or soy sauce. It can also be used as a substitute for meat in just about any meal.It’s easy and fun to cook with tempeh because it absorbs other flavors quickly and has a delicious, mildyet nutty flavor.

When cooking with tempeh, you can crumble it, cube it or slice it thin to make tempeh bacon.Cooked tempeh can be eaten alone or used in chili, stir-fries, soups, salads, sandwiches and stews. It also works well paired with a simple side of brown rice and veggies to make a well-rounded and tasty meal.

Tempeh Recipes

To prepare tempeh, whole soybeans are softened by soaking them, removing the outside covers and partially cooking them. A milk acidulent, usually vinegar, is sometimes added to tempeh to lower the pH, which creates a better environment for mold growth.

A fermentation starter that contains the spores of fungusRhizopus oligosporusorRhizopus oryzaeis then mixed in to the softened soybeans. The beans are spread into a thin layer and are left to ferment for 24 to 36 hours at a temperature of around 86 degrees. Typically, the beans are then knitted together by a mat of white mycelium filaments.

In other words, it’s far easier to simply buy tempeh.Curious how to use tempeh at home? It’s surprisingly easy. Because it absorbs other flavors well, it can be marinated and seasoned and then baked, sautéed or steamed for just 15–20 minutes and then added to side dishes and main courses alike.

You can easily add tempeh to your favorite recipes in place of meat to give them a healthy, plant-based twist. It works well in recipes like our Slow Cooker Bison Chili Recipe, for example, and can be used in place of bison or mixed with a smaller amount of bison to add a nutty and unique flavor.

Because tempeh easily crumbles, it is also the perfect addition or substitute to a tastyTaco SaladorSloppy Joesandwich as well.

It also makes a great base in place of beef in our Hearty Spaghetti Squash Casserole.You will love how tempeh absorbs the flavors of garlic, basil and oregano in this dish. It’s the perfect meatless (and healthy) option!


On the island of Java, in Indonesia, tempeh is considered a stablesource of protein that has been consumed for centuries. In fact, the soybean from which it is made has been recognized in Java since around the 12th century.

In the 17th century, the Chinese introduced the tofu-making industry in Java. According to legend, tempehwas discovered accidentally whendiscarded soybean residue caught the spores and grew a certainwhitish fungithat was found to be edible.

Risks and Side Effects

If you are new to eating fermented foods like tempeh, take it slow at first to avoid stomach pain or digestive problems. Start by sticking to a single three-ounce serving a few days per week, and slowly increase your intake as tolerated.

Because tempeh is made from soybeans, those with a soy allergy should avoid tempeh altogether. If you experience anyfood allergy symptoms like hives, itching or swelling after consuming tempeh, discontinue use and consult with your doctor.

Previously soy foods like tempeh were falsely associated with increasing the risk of breast cancer. Fortunately, it’s been shown that eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of any type of cancer, including breast cancer. (In fact, it may do the opposite.)

Lastly, soybeans are considered a goitrogen, meaning that they may interfere with the function of your thyroid gland. While studies show that consuming soy protein has minimal effect on thyroid health, it may be best to keep your intake of tempeh and other soy products in moderation if you have a history of thyroid problems.

Final Thoughts

  • What is tempeh? Tempeh is afermented soybean product that is well-known for its health-promoting properties.
  • The tempeh taste is mild but slightly nutty and absorbs other flavors well and can work in a variety of tempeh recipes, from soups to stews to sandwiches and more.
  • Tempeh is low in calories but provides a good chunk of protein and micronutrients, such as manganese, copper and phosphorus.
  • It’s rich in probiotics, plus may help reduce cholesterol levels, decrease menopause symptoms, balance blood sugar, boost bone health and ward off cancer growth.
  • Whether you’re trying to cut down on your meat consumption or just looking to add new and interesting foods into your diet, tempeh is a great choice to supply plenty of important nutrients and deliver a dose of health benefits as well.
Tempeh: the High-Protein, High-Probiotic Food (2024)


What happens if I eat tempeh everyday? ›

Soya products contain natural compounds called isoflavones, regular consumption of these has been associated with reduced cholesterol levels. Studies suggest this includes a reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the type often referred to as 'bad' cholesterol, as well as total cholesterol.

Is there a downside to tempeh? ›

Tempeh is also fermented, and fermented foods are easier to digest and provide healthy gut bacteria. Perhaps the only downside to tempeh is its calorie count is higher than tofu's, but the nutrients it packs more than make up for this.

Is tempeh a good source of probiotics? ›

Probiotics can be obtained from tempeh, and have various benefits for the gastrointestinal microbiota ecosystem, stimulate the immunological system and anticarcinogenic activity, and reduce oxidative stress. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most studied probiotics.

Is tempeh an anti inflammatory? ›

One of the most commonly consumed fermented soybeans around South East Asia is tempeh which contained significant level of antioxidants and amino acids [12, 13], which may subsequently contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect.

Who shouldn't eat tempeh? ›

Who Shouldn't Eat It? You should avoid tempeh if you have a soy allergy. There is some concern that soy may affect how your thyroid works or how you absorb thyroid medication. To be safe, you should talk to your doctor about eating tempeh or other soy products if you have a thyroid disorder.

What is the side effect of tempeh? ›

Those with a soy allergy should avoid tempeh altogether. Eating tempeh may trigger an allergic response for these people. This could include symptoms like: hives.

Which is healthier, tofu or tempeh? ›

Tempeh contains the most fiber and more protein than tofu because it contains the whole bean. The soy protein in tempeh is more digestable because of the fermentation process.

How do you cook tempeh without killing probiotics? ›

Cooking tempeh kills the bacteria on the outside, but the probiotics on the inside should remain intact. If you want to maintain maximum probiotic benefit, keep your tempeh's internal temperature below 115˚!

How many times a week can I eat tempeh? ›

Start by sticking to a single three-ounce serving a few days per week, and slowly increase your intake as tolerated. Because tempeh is made from soybeans, those with a soy allergy should avoid tempeh altogether.

Can you eat tempeh straight out of the package? ›

Because of this potential, to ensure food safety, all tempeh should be pasteurized or cooked before it's eaten (FYI, pasteurization and thorough cooking are pretty much the same thing). This is why tempeh, though fermented, should not be considered a probiotic food. But don't worry!

Can tempeh be eaten without cooking? ›

Can You Eat Raw Tempeh? Tempeh should be cooked before being eaten and should not be eaten raw. Prior to being cooked, tempeh has almost no nutritional value and doesn't have a very pleasant taste. Before adding tempeh to anything you should cook it to ensure you get the most flavor and nutrition out of your food.

Can I eat tempeh every day? ›

Fact: soy doesn't cause breast enlargement in men. Fact: soy doesn't raise your breast cancer risk. It's actually linked to a lower risk of breast cancer. “It's completely safe and healthy to eat up to two to three servings of soy products, such as tempeh, daily,” says Palmer.

Is tempeh good for arthritis? ›

While people with inflammation should generally avoid dairy, soy protein products like tofu and tempeh have been found to reduce pain in joints according to a study from Oklahoma State University. An easy way to add soy to your diet is using soy protein powder.

Does cooking tempeh destroy nutrients? ›

However, the rest of the nutritional benefits of tempeh like its protein and fibre content, the remnants of microorganisms, its micronutrients like iron and calcium and so on, are all maintained after cooking.

What does tempeh do to your body? ›

Tempeh's protein and fiber content have been suggested to inhibit cholesterol absorption and enhance production of bile acids in human intestines (Greany et al., 2004). Numerous studies have demonstrated that consuming tempeh can lower cholesterol thereby promote a healthier heart.

What happens to your body when you eat soy every day? ›

Soybeans and soy foods may reduce the risk of a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD) and some cancers, as well as improving bone health. Soy is a high-quality protein – one or 2 daily serves of soy products can be beneficial to our health.

What are the side effects of eating too much soy? ›

The most common side effects of soy are digestive upsets, such as constipation and diarrhea. Soy may alter thyroid function in people who are deficient in iodine. Current evidence indicates that it's safe for women who have had breast cancer or who are at risk for breast cancer to eat soy foods.

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